"Spinal tumors operated at University Clinical Centre of Kosova in the " by Besnik Elshani


Spinal tumors, Cervical Region, Thorcic Region, Lumbo-Sacral Region, Neurosurgery clinic in UCCK.


Introduction: Spinal tumors are abnormal masses that grow uncontrollably from normal cell growth and are mainly located around the spinal cord and column. Primary tumors originate in the spine or spinal cord while secondary or metastatic tumors appear in other parts of the body and spread from there to the spine. Spinal tumors are referred to depending on the region where they appear (Cervical, thoracic lumbar and sacrum), as well as their location on the spine. Purpose: The purpose of this research was the analysis of spinal tumors operated and treated at the University Clinical Center of Kosovo in the Neurosurgery Clinic. Materials and methods: In this retrospective clinical study, are taken into account spinal tumors operated in the Emergency Center of UCCK during the period 2015-2020 . Depending on the region and location of the tumors, the patients who underwent the operations were selected in Observation groups. Results: In the neurosurgery clinic at UCCK since 2015-2020 have been operated and treated a number of 66 cases of spinal tumors . In the results obtained it was noticed that most of the patients were females with a total of 40 cases or 60.61%. The researched cases were also looked at in terms of neurological function, 29 patients had neurological deficits expressed as Quadriparesis, Quadriplegia, Paraparesis and Paraplegia. The time that patients spent in the Neurosurgery Clinic at UCCK, varies depending on the region where the operation was performed and the condition of the patients after the operation. Conclusion: From the results achieved in this research we have concluded that women have been more prone to the formation of back tumors in almost 2/3 of cases (60.61%) compared to men. Depending on the location of the tumors it has been seen that the most common are tumors of the Lumbo-Sacral region expressed as Meningiomas, Astrocytoma, Ependymoma, Neurinoma and Metastatic Tumors.



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