"Soft wheat quality parameters evaluation by Near Infrared Spectroscopy" by Kliton Bylykbashi


Near Infrared Analysis, Partial Least Squares regression, soft wheat flour, Principal Component Analysis, quality control.


Near InfraRed Spectroscopy (NIRS) is a powerful tool that is widely applied in agro-food science and technology research for qualitative as well as quantitative analysis. It is one analytical technique that is taking place in this sector due to its low costs, reliability, rapidity and not invasive / non-destructive nature. NIRS along with chemometric modelling can provide accurate assessment of various grain quality attributes and the chemical composition of grain. The present work investigates the ability of using NIRS for the evaluation of different wheat quality parameters by using a portable spectroradiometer working in Visible – Short Wave InfraRed (Vis-SWIR: 350 – 2500 nm) spectral range. The potential of NIR- based techniques for predicting moisture content (12.6 ± 0.4 %), specific gravity (79.4 ± 2.7 kg/hl), protein content (14.0 ± 1.8 %), wet gluten content (28.1± 4.2 %), W index or Flour strength (266.3 ± 92.2) and hardness (60.3 ± 20.8 %) is explored. Present findings show the reliability of using NIRS as a quality control tool not only at laboratory scale, from the mill plant point of view (i.e. by acquiring reflectance spectra on wheat flour arranged in Petri dish), but even in on-line industrial application and shelf storage control evaluation, from the bakery plant / consumers’ point of view (i.e. by acquiring reflectance spectra on wheat flour sack).



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