UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Assessing quality and use of economic data: case of Kosovo


Management, Business and Economics


Quality of economic data is of key importance in real assessment of economic situation in a country. Among the challenges in Kosovo in terms of economic statistics is their quality and consistency. Study will examine the quantity and quality of economic data with particular emphasis on macroeconomic data. International statistical standards of the International Monetary Fund, European Central Bank / Eurostat are used as reference for comparison regarding the quantity and quality of economic data. For the study purposes, the economic data will be divided into sectors according to international standards. Official statistics producers will be used as data inputs as specified in the respective law in Kosovo. Data quality are reliability, transparency, accuracy are criteria to be used. Statistics revision policy or procedure as well as time-series and accessibility will be part of the study also. UBT STATS established in June 2013 deals with the collection, organization and publication of statistical data and emerged as a need of having a structured database consistent with international practices. An overview will be devoted to UBT STATS also as center for statistics, modelling, and economic forecasting.


data quality; macroeconomic statistics; international statistical standards; data consistency; transparency; data gaps

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi



First Page


Last Page



Durres, Albania

Start Date

28-10-2016 9:00 AM

End Date

30-10-2016 5:00 PM



Included in

Business Commons


Oct 28th, 9:00 AM Oct 30th, 5:00 PM

Assessing quality and use of economic data: case of Kosovo

Durres, Albania

Quality of economic data is of key importance in real assessment of economic situation in a country. Among the challenges in Kosovo in terms of economic statistics is their quality and consistency. Study will examine the quantity and quality of economic data with particular emphasis on macroeconomic data. International statistical standards of the International Monetary Fund, European Central Bank / Eurostat are used as reference for comparison regarding the quantity and quality of economic data. For the study purposes, the economic data will be divided into sectors according to international standards. Official statistics producers will be used as data inputs as specified in the respective law in Kosovo. Data quality are reliability, transparency, accuracy are criteria to be used. Statistics revision policy or procedure as well as time-series and accessibility will be part of the study also. UBT STATS established in June 2013 deals with the collection, organization and publication of statistical data and emerged as a need of having a structured database consistent with international practices. An overview will be devoted to UBT STATS also as center for statistics, modelling, and economic forecasting.