Application of Dijkstra Alegorithm to Define the Lower Price in the Distribution Network of Suppling
Management, Business and Economics
In this paper-work beside the review of theories of graphs , Dijkstra alegorithm for finding the shortest way , here we can present the application of Dijkstra alegorithm how to find the lowest price of the supplying for a costumer in the network distributions, presented with an example. Considering that from manufacturer to the last costumer the price variates, we ask: from whom distributions we can supply the same product and pay the lower price but the quality will be same?
Graph, weight, algorithm, distributor, minimal price
Proceedings Editor
Edmond Hajrizi
First Page
Last Page
Durres, Albania
Start Date
28-10-2016 9:00 AM
End Date
30-10-2016 5:00 PM
Recommended Citation
Jusufi, Bukurie Imeri; Jusufi, Azir; and Beqiri, Xhevair, "Application of Dijkstra Alegorithm to Define the Lower Price in the Distribution Network of Suppling" (2016). UBT International Conference. 26.
Application of Dijkstra Alegorithm to Define the Lower Price in the Distribution Network of Suppling
Durres, Albania
In this paper-work beside the review of theories of graphs , Dijkstra alegorithm for finding the shortest way , here we can present the application of Dijkstra alegorithm how to find the lowest price of the supplying for a costumer in the network distributions, presented with an example. Considering that from manufacturer to the last costumer the price variates, we ask: from whom distributions we can supply the same product and pay the lower price but the quality will be same?