Education and Development
Differentiated instructions in learning is based in the appropriate methods for learning but in fact this is the way how teachers exploit the teaching opportunities in order to provide better learning environment within their instruction. English as a foreign language learning in Kosovo has been overwhelming and in addition to the importance of English Language Learning, is also the importance of increasing the interest in more effective teaching. The most difficult challenge, that EFL teachers consider to overcome, is teaching in mixed ability classes. Mixed ability EFL classes are a composition of students with different English language level proficiency in the same class. This paper aims to explore the techniques and strategies which avoid the implementation of teaching instruction “the one-size-fits-all’’ and focus more on students’ learning styles and their individual preferences. In order to achieve the foreseen objectives, English foreign language teacher is oriented towards choosing the right strategies, always adapting to the students’ needs. It also examines the factors which cause different instructions of learning based on students' English language proficiency. Among the most controversial factors that cause diversity in the mixed ability EFL classes are: Social and cultural background, Learning ability, Previous teaching, and student’s personality and Learning styles. Nevertheless, although differentiated instructions are attributed to students and learning, it seems like teachers and teaching is being challenged along this process.
differentiated instructions, EFL learning, mixed ability classes, students’ level proficiency
Session Chair
Fatbardha Qehaj
Session Co-Chair
Halil Bashota
Proceedings Editor
Edmond Hajrizi
First Page
Last Page
Durres, Albania
Start Date
28-10-2017 4:00 PM
End Date
28-10-2017 5:30 PM
Recommended Citation
Naka, Laura, "The importance of differentiated instruction in EFL learning" (2017). UBT International Conference. 119.
The importance of differentiated instruction in EFL learning
Durres, Albania
Differentiated instructions in learning is based in the appropriate methods for learning but in fact this is the way how teachers exploit the teaching opportunities in order to provide better learning environment within their instruction. English as a foreign language learning in Kosovo has been overwhelming and in addition to the importance of English Language Learning, is also the importance of increasing the interest in more effective teaching. The most difficult challenge, that EFL teachers consider to overcome, is teaching in mixed ability classes. Mixed ability EFL classes are a composition of students with different English language level proficiency in the same class. This paper aims to explore the techniques and strategies which avoid the implementation of teaching instruction “the one-size-fits-all’’ and focus more on students’ learning styles and their individual preferences. In order to achieve the foreseen objectives, English foreign language teacher is oriented towards choosing the right strategies, always adapting to the students’ needs. It also examines the factors which cause different instructions of learning based on students' English language proficiency. Among the most controversial factors that cause diversity in the mixed ability EFL classes are: Social and cultural background, Learning ability, Previous teaching, and student’s personality and Learning styles. Nevertheless, although differentiated instructions are attributed to students and learning, it seems like teachers and teaching is being challenged along this process.