Introduction of famous scientists in Science to pre-school children by demonstration method


Education and Development


In this study, short life stories of famous scientists and their contributions to the field of science were examined by means of demonstration method as a teaching method. For this purpose, three scientists were selected and prepared power point presentation about each one. The application was made with a group of pre-school students attending a private kindergarten under the Ministry of National Education (MEB) at the 2016-2017 Academic Year. This study was designed as a single group pre-test, post-test experimental model. The data obtained from data collection tools was analysed quantitatively. According to this, it can be said that the demonstration method is very effective for pre-school children to learn the short life stories of the scientists and knowing their contributions to the science.


Science education, Pre-school, Scientists, Demonstration method

Session Chair

Fatbardha Qehaj

Session Co-Chair

Halil Bashota

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Durres, Albania

Start Date

28-10-2017 4:00 PM

End Date

28-10-2017 5:30 PM



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Oct 28th, 4:00 PM Oct 28th, 5:30 PM

Introduction of famous scientists in Science to pre-school children by demonstration method

Durres, Albania

In this study, short life stories of famous scientists and their contributions to the field of science were examined by means of demonstration method as a teaching method. For this purpose, three scientists were selected and prepared power point presentation about each one. The application was made with a group of pre-school students attending a private kindergarten under the Ministry of National Education (MEB) at the 2016-2017 Academic Year. This study was designed as a single group pre-test, post-test experimental model. The data obtained from data collection tools was analysed quantitatively. According to this, it can be said that the demonstration method is very effective for pre-school children to learn the short life stories of the scientists and knowing their contributions to the science.