Renewables plus Storage Capacities


Energy Efficiency Engineering


The purpose of this paper is to address the inherent intermittent nature of renewable energy, which is often overlooked from a practical viewpoint. The intermittency of renewables interrupts normal conventional grid flow, forcing the grid operator to adjust the real time operating procedures. Specifically, solar power –which generates renewable energy during the daytime- may force conventional power producers to reduce or turn off capacities to accommodate the energy produced: also referred to as priority dispatching. One practical method of overcoming this limitation, as well as ensuring that the grid is not thrown off balance is by combining a storage solution with a renewable resources. Such storage capacities, used to fill the shortfall intermittency or for emergencies, can be crucial in providing reliable power supply. Storage solutions combined with solar or wind power projects should be projected, to provide a steady supply of power regardless of weather conditions.


Renewable energy, Intermittency, Resources, Storage, Battery

Session Chair

Peter P. Groumpos

Session Co-Chair

Ines Bula

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Durres, Albania

Start Date

27-10-2017 3:00 PM

End Date

27-10-2017 4:30 PM



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Oct 27th, 3:00 PM Oct 27th, 4:30 PM

Renewables plus Storage Capacities

Durres, Albania

The purpose of this paper is to address the inherent intermittent nature of renewable energy, which is often overlooked from a practical viewpoint. The intermittency of renewables interrupts normal conventional grid flow, forcing the grid operator to adjust the real time operating procedures. Specifically, solar power –which generates renewable energy during the daytime- may force conventional power producers to reduce or turn off capacities to accommodate the energy produced: also referred to as priority dispatching. One practical method of overcoming this limitation, as well as ensuring that the grid is not thrown off balance is by combining a storage solution with a renewable resources. Such storage capacities, used to fill the shortfall intermittency or for emergencies, can be crucial in providing reliable power supply. Storage solutions combined with solar or wind power projects should be projected, to provide a steady supply of power regardless of weather conditions.