Media Regulation and Self-Regulation in Kosovo


Journalism, Media and Communication


The regulation and self-regulation of the media in Kosovo are realized through two institutions. One regulates and is entirelyindipendent constutionaly: Independent Media Commission (IMC) and the other is self-regulation and is: Press media Council (PMC).regulation consists of audio and visual media. Self-regulation consists of print, traditional and electric media, primarily on-line media.Even Kosovo is challenged by the global problem given the enormous technology development towords legal cover. Often as a result ofregulation and self-regulation stremble many cases endes to cort, which in Kosova are so inert.


Regulation, self-regulation, media, on-line, IMC, PMC

Session Chair

Votim Hanoli

Session Co-Chair

Adnan Merovci

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Pristina, Kosovo

Start Date

26-10-2019 3:30 PM

End Date

26-10-2019 5:00 PM



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Oct 26th, 3:30 PM Oct 26th, 5:00 PM

Media Regulation and Self-Regulation in Kosovo

Pristina, Kosovo

The regulation and self-regulation of the media in Kosovo are realized through two institutions. One regulates and is entirelyindipendent constutionaly: Independent Media Commission (IMC) and the other is self-regulation and is: Press media Council (PMC).regulation consists of audio and visual media. Self-regulation consists of print, traditional and electric media, primarily on-line media.Even Kosovo is challenged by the global problem given the enormous technology development towords legal cover. Often as a result ofregulation and self-regulation stremble many cases endes to cort, which in Kosova are so inert.