UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Application of decision making method (AHP) in Reverse Engineering and Additive Manufacturing Technologies

Application of decision making method (AHP) in Reverse Engineering and Additive Manufacturing Technologies


Mechatronics, System Engineering and Robotics


Continuous market demand shows a fast transition of Additive Manufacturing (AM) from prototype to regular production. The different complex parts are easier to manage using 3D scanners and applying Reverse Engineering (RE) to convert them into digital data that can be reproduced again. Through this paper we intend to explain the relationship between RE and AM with decision making methodology by applying AHP hierarchy, including: goals, criteria, sub-criteria and alternatives. Case study presented confirm the efficiency of the proposed methodology for decision making in production technology.


Additive Manufacturing (AM), Reverse Engineering (RE), Decision Making Method, AHP Hierarchy

Session Chair

Peter Kopacek

Session Co-Chair

Thomas Duda

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Pristina, Kosovo

Start Date

26-10-2019 11:00 AM

End Date

26-10-2019 12:30 PM



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Oct 26th, 11:00 AM Oct 26th, 12:30 PM

Application of decision making method (AHP) in Reverse Engineering and Additive Manufacturing Technologies

Pristina, Kosovo

Continuous market demand shows a fast transition of Additive Manufacturing (AM) from prototype to regular production. The different complex parts are easier to manage using 3D scanners and applying Reverse Engineering (RE) to convert them into digital data that can be reproduced again. Through this paper we intend to explain the relationship between RE and AM with decision making methodology by applying AHP hierarchy, including: goals, criteria, sub-criteria and alternatives. Case study presented confirm the efficiency of the proposed methodology for decision making in production technology.