UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Towards Urban Dynamics of Transition Countries: Analysis of Transit Oriented Development Infrastructure: The Case of Prishtina

Towards Urban Dynamics of Transition Countries: Analysis of Transit Oriented Development Infrastructure: The Case of Prishtina


Civil Engineering, Infrastructure and Environment


Transport planning and land use modelling are two issues that need to be considered together. Urban dynamics comprise most of the aspects concerned with these two issues. There are many research efforts, studies, models and applications, technologies and management practices developed throughout the world with the aim to get urban dynamics more sustainable. However, many towns, cities, and regions have difficulties in managing urban dynamics. Economic activity locations, flows and concentrations of people and goods require adequate infrastructure support. Thereby ensuring effective infrastructure remains the big obstacle for urban planners and policy makers. This paper in general discusses important issues related to the sustainability concept of urban dynamics with the emphases on infrastructure to support TOD. The emphasis is given to the Transit Oriented Development (TOD), where four case studies of TOD implementation are evaluated. The qualitative literature-based research of current trends and case studies have been conducted. Accordingly, the exploratory research of the state-of-the art of the urban dynamics of cities in transition is conducted. The aim of the study is to develop an approach to promote the sustainability concept of transport planning and urban design in transition cities, with emphases on the city of Prishtina. The approach covers various modern urban planning concepts emphasising TOD concept and investigates the possibilities of TOD implementation in the transition city of Prishtina. The perceived results show how TOD concept can be implanted in mid-size cities delivering knowledge and best practices to decision makers and planners concerned with urban dynamics. Finally, the product of this research is presented as a guide to decision making at plan and program level in developing and transition countries, particularly for Kosovo.


Urban dynamics, sustainable, transport, planning, policy, transit-oriented development.

Session Chair

Feti Selmani

Session Co-Chair

Anjeza Alaj

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Pristina, Kosovo

Start Date

26-10-2019 1:30 PM

End Date

26-10-2019 3:00 PM



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Oct 26th, 1:30 PM Oct 26th, 3:00 PM

Towards Urban Dynamics of Transition Countries: Analysis of Transit Oriented Development Infrastructure: The Case of Prishtina

Pristina, Kosovo

Transport planning and land use modelling are two issues that need to be considered together. Urban dynamics comprise most of the aspects concerned with these two issues. There are many research efforts, studies, models and applications, technologies and management practices developed throughout the world with the aim to get urban dynamics more sustainable. However, many towns, cities, and regions have difficulties in managing urban dynamics. Economic activity locations, flows and concentrations of people and goods require adequate infrastructure support. Thereby ensuring effective infrastructure remains the big obstacle for urban planners and policy makers. This paper in general discusses important issues related to the sustainability concept of urban dynamics with the emphases on infrastructure to support TOD. The emphasis is given to the Transit Oriented Development (TOD), where four case studies of TOD implementation are evaluated. The qualitative literature-based research of current trends and case studies have been conducted. Accordingly, the exploratory research of the state-of-the art of the urban dynamics of cities in transition is conducted. The aim of the study is to develop an approach to promote the sustainability concept of transport planning and urban design in transition cities, with emphases on the city of Prishtina. The approach covers various modern urban planning concepts emphasising TOD concept and investigates the possibilities of TOD implementation in the transition city of Prishtina. The perceived results show how TOD concept can be implanted in mid-size cities delivering knowledge and best practices to decision makers and planners concerned with urban dynamics. Finally, the product of this research is presented as a guide to decision making at plan and program level in developing and transition countries, particularly for Kosovo.