UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Heavy metals distribution in sediments (f < 63 µm) of some water sources in north part of the Dukagjini basin

Heavy metals distribution in sediments (f < 63 µm) of some water sources in north part of the Dukagjini basin


Civil Engineering, Infrastructure and Environment


Heavy metals are very stable and are permanent contaminants of the environment and can accumulate in the food chain causing adverse effects on human health and the aquatic ecosystem disturbing the food. Geochemical study of heavy metals like Cu, Pb, Co, Cr, Ni, Zn, and Cd could provide a hydro geochemical framework for assessing the sources and mechanism of metal input, enrichment and distribution in sediments. The aim of the current work was to determined heavy metals by using XRF technique and to present the spatial distribution maps of heavy metals in sediment (fraction 63 µm) of 50 water sources in north part of the Dukagjini basin. Spatial distribution maps were created and recorded, in terms of these heavy metals concentrations as contribution to heavy metal pollution in sediments through Geographical Information Systems techniques. By comparing the concentrations of heavy metals with the existing criteria for sediment quality, was found out that these exceeded concentrations, of some heavy metals in those areas, were directly impacted from geological constitution of rocks: clastic, alluvium, proluvium, glacigene, calc tufa/travertine and lake sediments


heavy metals, spatial distribution, sediment quality assessment, Dukagjini basin, water resources, XRF.

Session Chair

Hazir Çadraku

Session Co-Chair

Visar Krelani

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Pristina, Kosovo

Start Date

26-10-2019 3:30 PM

End Date

26-10-2019 5:00 PM



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Oct 26th, 3:30 PM Oct 26th, 5:00 PM

Heavy metals distribution in sediments (f < 63 µm) of some water sources in north part of the Dukagjini basin

Pristina, Kosovo

Heavy metals are very stable and are permanent contaminants of the environment and can accumulate in the food chain causing adverse effects on human health and the aquatic ecosystem disturbing the food. Geochemical study of heavy metals like Cu, Pb, Co, Cr, Ni, Zn, and Cd could provide a hydro geochemical framework for assessing the sources and mechanism of metal input, enrichment and distribution in sediments. The aim of the current work was to determined heavy metals by using XRF technique and to present the spatial distribution maps of heavy metals in sediment (fraction 63 µm) of 50 water sources in north part of the Dukagjini basin. Spatial distribution maps were created and recorded, in terms of these heavy metals concentrations as contribution to heavy metal pollution in sediments through Geographical Information Systems techniques. By comparing the concentrations of heavy metals with the existing criteria for sediment quality, was found out that these exceeded concentrations, of some heavy metals in those areas, were directly impacted from geological constitution of rocks: clastic, alluvium, proluvium, glacigene, calc tufa/travertine and lake sediments