UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Self-Healing Capacity Of Cementitious Composites In Different Environmental Exposure Such As Freeze/Thaw Conditioning

Self-Healing Capacity Of Cementitious Composites In Different Environmental Exposure Such As Freeze/Thaw Conditioning


Civil Engineering, Infrastructure and Environment


Pavements in the roads and bridges are exposed in different exposure conditions due to different countries, which relies on in their climatic zones related with comprised of exposure classes known as XC to XA etc. In the area of Balkans especially in the region around Kosovo one of the biggest problem is the exposure in freeze/thaw of all construction exposed to open air there are problems and deterioration of the concrete structures. There has been profoundly analyzed the self-healing capacity of concrete in different other environmental conditioning but in this case a particular emphasis on freeze/thaw cycle has been performed. Freeze/thaw cycles experience in concrete is needed not just in Kosovo but in mos of the balcanian are and some other European countries. This study will give other informations about the mechanism of self-healing and parallel with it would be explained the degradation phenomena of concrete in this particular environment enricheang the national annexes of eurocodes.


Industrial waste, treatment, strategy, management.

Session Chair

Hazir Çadraku

Session Co-Chair

Visar Krelani

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Pristina, Kosovo

Start Date

26-10-2019 3:30 PM

End Date

26-10-2019 5:00 PM



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Oct 26th, 3:30 PM Oct 26th, 5:00 PM

Self-Healing Capacity Of Cementitious Composites In Different Environmental Exposure Such As Freeze/Thaw Conditioning

Pristina, Kosovo

Pavements in the roads and bridges are exposed in different exposure conditions due to different countries, which relies on in their climatic zones related with comprised of exposure classes known as XC to XA etc. In the area of Balkans especially in the region around Kosovo one of the biggest problem is the exposure in freeze/thaw of all construction exposed to open air there are problems and deterioration of the concrete structures. There has been profoundly analyzed the self-healing capacity of concrete in different other environmental conditioning but in this case a particular emphasis on freeze/thaw cycle has been performed. Freeze/thaw cycles experience in concrete is needed not just in Kosovo but in mos of the balcanian are and some other European countries. This study will give other informations about the mechanism of self-healing and parallel with it would be explained the degradation phenomena of concrete in this particular environment enricheang the national annexes of eurocodes.