UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Hydrography and hydrogeology of the Blinaja River Basin, Kosovo

Hydrography and hydrogeology of the Blinaja River Basin, Kosovo


Civil Engineering, Infrastructure and Environment


The aim of this paper is to reveal the hydrographic features and hydrogeological characteristics of the Blinajë catchment, which represents an important water basin for the water supply of the inhabitants living in this area. Fieldwork, analytical, and observational methods were used during the research. This basin has an area of 31.19 km2 with a relatively developed hydrographic network. It has a stretching direction from west to east. The western part is expanded and represented by hilly-mountainous terrain, while the middle and lower part of the basin is characterized by flat terrain. The air temperatures range from 0 to 23.4°C, with average annual precipitation being 660mm. The Blinaja River forms a stream in the Blinaja mountains and its upstream passes through the Paleozoic formations, while the lower part mainly cuts the Quartetnar formations. It has an asymmetry coefficient of 0.21 and menandering coefficient1.19. Water flows from the tens of cubic meters in the spring to several liters per second during the summer. The water regime depends on the rainfall. As far as the hydrogeological approach is concerned there may be distinguished: alluvial aquifer, crack and aquifer aquifer and limited aquifers. The water springs come into contact between the non-aqueous and aqueous formations. The water capacity in them varies from 0.25 to 7 l/s. The depth of the excavated wells and drilling wells varies from 3 to 60 m, while the static groundwater level varies from 0.50 to 20 m.


Hydrography, Hydrogeology, Basin, Blinaja, River

Session Chair

Hazir Çadraku

Session Co-Chair

Visar Krelani

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Pristina, Kosovo

Start Date

26-10-2019 3:30 PM

End Date

26-10-2019 5:00 PM



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Oct 26th, 3:30 PM Oct 26th, 5:00 PM

Hydrography and hydrogeology of the Blinaja River Basin, Kosovo

Pristina, Kosovo

The aim of this paper is to reveal the hydrographic features and hydrogeological characteristics of the Blinajë catchment, which represents an important water basin for the water supply of the inhabitants living in this area. Fieldwork, analytical, and observational methods were used during the research. This basin has an area of 31.19 km2 with a relatively developed hydrographic network. It has a stretching direction from west to east. The western part is expanded and represented by hilly-mountainous terrain, while the middle and lower part of the basin is characterized by flat terrain. The air temperatures range from 0 to 23.4°C, with average annual precipitation being 660mm. The Blinaja River forms a stream in the Blinaja mountains and its upstream passes through the Paleozoic formations, while the lower part mainly cuts the Quartetnar formations. It has an asymmetry coefficient of 0.21 and menandering coefficient1.19. Water flows from the tens of cubic meters in the spring to several liters per second during the summer. The water regime depends on the rainfall. As far as the hydrogeological approach is concerned there may be distinguished: alluvial aquifer, crack and aquifer aquifer and limited aquifers. The water springs come into contact between the non-aqueous and aqueous formations. The water capacity in them varies from 0.25 to 7 l/s. The depth of the excavated wells and drilling wells varies from 3 to 60 m, while the static groundwater level varies from 0.50 to 20 m.