UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Workplace Risk Assessment Methods - Kosovo Case

Workplace Risk Assessment Methods - Kosovo Case


Civil Engineering, Infrastructure and Environment


Stability and security are the foundation for a community's development and are prerequisites for a country to achieve prosperity. Technological development and modernization that has taken place in the last decades of the 20th century, besides the positive effects, has also brought a number of negative effects which are related to the quality of work and the working environment. This development carries the possibility of unforeseen events that can occur in any institution and company during the operation, realization and control of work, which then have a direct or indirect impact on the achievement of expected results. Therefore, these events become a daily issue of strategic management, development, study, organization and action taking. A basic prerequisite for preventing potential harm is knowing the risks, the causes of their occurrence, and the consequences they cause. This is achieved through the application of methods that are nowadays dependent on the legal regulation of countries. Risk assessment has become a key tool for safety management and health in work environment. It is a procedure that determines the level of risk associated with work injuries, diseases, work-related illnesses and work-related disorders that can cause adverse effects on the health and safety of employees. Risk assessment methods, taking into account the data used, can be quantitative, qualitative and combined. They are divided into methods for estimating probability and methods for estimating consequences. This paper aims to highlight the methods of risk assessment and the particular emphasis is to the method in Kosovo. The choice of risk assessment method depends on the feasibility of the method, the complexity of the process, the degree of organization and size of experience related to the process, the degree of problem uncertainty, the quality of the information available, the resources necessary for conducting risk analysis and evaluation, depth of analysis and so on.


Method, Assessment, Risk, Development, Work Environment.

Session Chair

Hazir Çadraku

Session Co-Chair

Visar Krelani

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Pristina, Kosovo

Start Date

26-10-2019 3:30 PM

End Date

26-10-2019 5:00 PM



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Oct 26th, 3:30 PM Oct 26th, 5:00 PM

Workplace Risk Assessment Methods - Kosovo Case

Pristina, Kosovo

Stability and security are the foundation for a community's development and are prerequisites for a country to achieve prosperity. Technological development and modernization that has taken place in the last decades of the 20th century, besides the positive effects, has also brought a number of negative effects which are related to the quality of work and the working environment. This development carries the possibility of unforeseen events that can occur in any institution and company during the operation, realization and control of work, which then have a direct or indirect impact on the achievement of expected results. Therefore, these events become a daily issue of strategic management, development, study, organization and action taking. A basic prerequisite for preventing potential harm is knowing the risks, the causes of their occurrence, and the consequences they cause. This is achieved through the application of methods that are nowadays dependent on the legal regulation of countries. Risk assessment has become a key tool for safety management and health in work environment. It is a procedure that determines the level of risk associated with work injuries, diseases, work-related illnesses and work-related disorders that can cause adverse effects on the health and safety of employees. Risk assessment methods, taking into account the data used, can be quantitative, qualitative and combined. They are divided into methods for estimating probability and methods for estimating consequences. This paper aims to highlight the methods of risk assessment and the particular emphasis is to the method in Kosovo. The choice of risk assessment method depends on the feasibility of the method, the complexity of the process, the degree of organization and size of experience related to the process, the degree of problem uncertainty, the quality of the information available, the resources necessary for conducting risk analysis and evaluation, depth of analysis and so on.