
Agriculture, Food Science and Technology


The main objective of this research was to determinate the vitamins A and E in fodder concentrate and raw cow milk from region of Kumanovo, Macedonia. As material for this research, samples of feed and samples of cow's raw milk from the cattle fed with the same food were taken. The test material was taken from a farm in the region of Kumanovo. Vitamins А and Е have been examined with the methodology of extraction on HPLC – Perkin Elmer, pump: series 200LC, auto sampler; ISS – 200, detector LC – 135/LC -235 C DA. The amount of vitamin A in fodder concentrate was 7.5438 mcg/100 g, while the amount of vitamin E was 23.115 mcg/kg. The amount of vitamin A in raw cow milk from region of Kumanovo was 30 mcg/100g, while the amount of vitamin E was 0.86 mcg/100g.


vitamin A, vitamin E, fodder, cow milk

Session Chair

Kastriot Pehlivani

Session Co-Chair

Violeta Lajqi Makolli

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Pristina, Kosovo

Start Date

26-10-2019 11:00 AM

End Date

26-10-2019 12:30 PM




Oct 26th, 11:00 AM Oct 26th, 12:30 PM

Determination of Vitamin A and E in fodder concentrates and cow milk from region of Kumanovo, North Macedonia

Pristina, Kosovo

The main objective of this research was to determinate the vitamins A and E in fodder concentrate and raw cow milk from region of Kumanovo, Macedonia. As material for this research, samples of feed and samples of cow's raw milk from the cattle fed with the same food were taken. The test material was taken from a farm in the region of Kumanovo. Vitamins А and Е have been examined with the methodology of extraction on HPLC – Perkin Elmer, pump: series 200LC, auto sampler; ISS – 200, detector LC – 135/LC -235 C DA. The amount of vitamin A in fodder concentrate was 7.5438 mcg/100 g, while the amount of vitamin E was 23.115 mcg/kg. The amount of vitamin A in raw cow milk from region of Kumanovo was 30 mcg/100g, while the amount of vitamin E was 0.86 mcg/100g.