UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: The Effect of Culture on Parental Involvement in the Muslim and Jewish Educational System

The Effect of Culture on Parental Involvement in the Muslim and Jewish Educational System


Education and Development


To date, no comparison has been made between the Muslim and Jewish educational systems regarding parental involvement. This preliminary study examines the perceptions about parental involvement as described by the pedagogic staff and compares the two sectors. 16 staff members from 4 elementary schools (two Jewish schools and two Muslim schools) were interviewed. The findings indicate that parental involvement in the Muslim sector is lower than in the Jewish sector. The Muslim parents have more respect and trust towards the school, the principal, and the teachers compared to the Jewish parents which is reflected by lower involvement of the Muslim parents compare to the Jewish parents. While Jewish parents who volunteer for parents' associations use their status to promote their personal interest (their child’s benefit) and less desire to contribute to the school, Muslim parents volunteer more to help the principals and teachers to get resources from the Mayor/ Head of the municipal council and less for their own child’s benefit. The depth and the type of parental involvement in the Jewish and the Muslim educational systems can be explained by cultural differences, namely an individualistic Jewish society vs. a collectivistic Muslim society.


parental involvement, educational system, Israeli Muslim, Israeli Jews

Session Chair

Alma Lama

Session Co-Chair

Halil Bashota

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 1:30 PM

End Date

31-10-2020 3:00 PM



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Oct 31st, 1:30 PM Oct 31st, 3:00 PM

The Effect of Culture on Parental Involvement in the Muslim and Jewish Educational System

Lipjan, Kosovo

To date, no comparison has been made between the Muslim and Jewish educational systems regarding parental involvement. This preliminary study examines the perceptions about parental involvement as described by the pedagogic staff and compares the two sectors. 16 staff members from 4 elementary schools (two Jewish schools and two Muslim schools) were interviewed. The findings indicate that parental involvement in the Muslim sector is lower than in the Jewish sector. The Muslim parents have more respect and trust towards the school, the principal, and the teachers compared to the Jewish parents which is reflected by lower involvement of the Muslim parents compare to the Jewish parents. While Jewish parents who volunteer for parents' associations use their status to promote their personal interest (their child’s benefit) and less desire to contribute to the school, Muslim parents volunteer more to help the principals and teachers to get resources from the Mayor/ Head of the municipal council and less for their own child’s benefit. The depth and the type of parental involvement in the Jewish and the Muslim educational systems can be explained by cultural differences, namely an individualistic Jewish society vs. a collectivistic Muslim society.