UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Energy Efficiency for a farm company: NZEFC – Nearly Zero Energy Farm Company. Case of Study


Energy Efficiency Engineering


In this report, the energy consumption of 25 agricultural companies, which produce milk for the Soresina consortium, was evaluated.The purpose was to determine a Standard Energy Diagnosis Procedure (SEDP), for the agricultural sector. In the case of study below, the farm company has decided to adhere to a process of technological renewal, able to reduce to zero, the energy consumption, related to electricity and agricultural naphtha. Three are the intervention that the company has decided to adopt: Integration the photovoltaic system with a Storage System (battery); castrating a new biogas plant, with 75 kW electrical power; replacing the unifeed wagon with a robot: Trioliet Triomatic T15, coupled with the kitchen Triomatic T30.


Energy Efficiency, Standard Energy Diagnosis Procedure, Zero Energy Consumption, Renewable Energy.

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi



First Page


Last Page



Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 10:45 AM

End Date

31-10-2020 12:15 PM



Included in

Engineering Commons


Oct 31st, 10:45 AM Oct 31st, 12:15 PM

Energy Efficiency for a farm company: NZEFC – Nearly Zero Energy Farm Company. Case of Study

Lipjan, Kosovo

In this report, the energy consumption of 25 agricultural companies, which produce milk for the Soresina consortium, was evaluated.The purpose was to determine a Standard Energy Diagnosis Procedure (SEDP), for the agricultural sector. In the case of study below, the farm company has decided to adhere to a process of technological renewal, able to reduce to zero, the energy consumption, related to electricity and agricultural naphtha. Three are the intervention that the company has decided to adopt: Integration the photovoltaic system with a Storage System (battery); castrating a new biogas plant, with 75 kW electrical power; replacing the unifeed wagon with a robot: Trioliet Triomatic T15, coupled with the kitchen Triomatic T30.