Agriculture, Food Science and Technology
The development of society is related to the high consumption of a variety of food products, the use of electro-household appliances, furniture, and its furnishing, clothing, plastic materials, etc. The increase of urban waste is considered both from the social development and the increase of the population, for example, Prishtina 1,116,355 tons/year, Prizren 90,858 tons/year, Peja 41,748 tons/year, Mitrovica 64,663 tons/year. The increase in urban waste will affect our environment (soil, water, and air). Even though our city is endangered by their lack of treatment, their quantity is constantly increasing. We need to change the concept that waste is worthless. On the contrary, urban waste contains value because every product obtained from them contains the value. Product = raw material (monetary value) + energy + human labor. So, through waste assessment, we reduce their volume, while through their treatment we obtain raw materials (, for example from the treatment of waste paper waste, we will protect forests, but in the meantime, we will also protect the environment. Urban waste is of different natures organic nature (kitchen waste…) metal (tins ...) plastic (water and liquid bottles…) glass, paper, leather, textiles, etc. This means that there are different ways and methods to assess urban waste. Among the most important methods of their assessment are Recycling, Reuse, and processing as secondary material in other processes. Urban waste also has its specificity. Many of these urban wastes can serve as raw material for many sectors of our city's economy (eg recycling of plastic waste, paper, and metal waste). But the assessment of urban waste cannot be realized successfully liquidated in case there is no organization for their selection from the beginning. This should be done by the collection company with a good treatment of the collection staff.
Metals, Paper, Plastics, Glass, Organic Waste
Session Chair
Fidan Feka
Session Co-Chair
Hyzer Rizani
Proceedings Editor
Edmond Hajrizi
Lipjan, Kosovo
Start Date
31-10-2020 3:15 PM
End Date
31-10-2020 4:45 PM
Recommended Citation
Gashi, Sami; Veseli, Besa; and Sofiu, Vehebi, ""Some statistical data on urban waste collection in the city of Prizren and ways to evaluate them in useful products"" (2020). UBT International Conference. 13.
"Some statistical data on urban waste collection in the city of Prizren and ways to evaluate them in useful products"
Lipjan, Kosovo
The development of society is related to the high consumption of a variety of food products, the use of electro-household appliances, furniture, and its furnishing, clothing, plastic materials, etc. The increase of urban waste is considered both from the social development and the increase of the population, for example, Prishtina 1,116,355 tons/year, Prizren 90,858 tons/year, Peja 41,748 tons/year, Mitrovica 64,663 tons/year. The increase in urban waste will affect our environment (soil, water, and air). Even though our city is endangered by their lack of treatment, their quantity is constantly increasing. We need to change the concept that waste is worthless. On the contrary, urban waste contains value because every product obtained from them contains the value. Product = raw material (monetary value) + energy + human labor. So, through waste assessment, we reduce their volume, while through their treatment we obtain raw materials (, for example from the treatment of waste paper waste, we will protect forests, but in the meantime, we will also protect the environment. Urban waste is of different natures organic nature (kitchen waste…) metal (tins ...) plastic (water and liquid bottles…) glass, paper, leather, textiles, etc. This means that there are different ways and methods to assess urban waste. Among the most important methods of their assessment are Recycling, Reuse, and processing as secondary material in other processes. Urban waste also has its specificity. Many of these urban wastes can serve as raw material for many sectors of our city's economy (eg recycling of plastic waste, paper, and metal waste). But the assessment of urban waste cannot be realized successfully liquidated in case there is no organization for their selection from the beginning. This should be done by the collection company with a good treatment of the collection staff.