UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Protection of Children and Minors in Audio-Visual Media Services in Kosovo

Protection of Children and Minors in Audio-Visual Media Services in Kosovo


Journalism, Media and Communication


The protection of Children and Minors is the primary standard of a society. Children and Minors beyond human moral obligations must be protected through strict legislation in a democratic society. These rights are enshrined in various international documents and conventions ranging from the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Legislation across different states should draft legislation in the spirit of this Declaration and the local specifics of different states. In Kosovo these rights are mainly protected through the regulator (IMC) and other laws affecting the field of human rights. The courts play an important role in respecting these rights.


Children and Minors Rights, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, IMC, UN, Courts.

Session Chair

Gjylie Rexha

Session Co-Chair

Musa Sabedini

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 9:00 AM

End Date

31-10-2020 10:30 AM



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Oct 31st, 9:00 AM Oct 31st, 10:30 AM

Protection of Children and Minors in Audio-Visual Media Services in Kosovo

Lipjan, Kosovo

The protection of Children and Minors is the primary standard of a society. Children and Minors beyond human moral obligations must be protected through strict legislation in a democratic society. These rights are enshrined in various international documents and conventions ranging from the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Legislation across different states should draft legislation in the spirit of this Declaration and the local specifics of different states. In Kosovo these rights are mainly protected through the regulator (IMC) and other laws affecting the field of human rights. The courts play an important role in respecting these rights.