UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Efficiency, effectiveness and effect of convergency in Albanian media of Kosovo

Efficiency, effectiveness and effect of convergency in Albanian media of Kosovo


Journalism, Media and Communication


The enhancement of technology has led to a faster and more accurate informing than before. Almost every one of them has a cell phone comprised of various programs installed in it creates them the opportunity to browse a wide range of different newspapers and magazines and in the vast majority of languages in the world. Due to the fact that the media is an industry which constantly produces information, an as matter of a fact it’s function is to inform the public, and that their activity is regulated by law, it implies that they are or at least should be in function of fulfilling the obligation which implies conyeing fair information to the public in compliance with the legal acts governing the media. Based on the reduced number of newspapers printed over the years in Kosovo, the small number of copies printed and sold, as well as the increase in online newspapers. Consequently, this hypothesis been raised due to convergence ( voice, image, writing) and owing to the speed of news dissemination, the number of followers of the portals-electronic newsletters has increased and the number of followers of the printed newspapers has decreased, as well as the followers of TV and fixed radios. In this regard, Information Technology is one of the main factors in this development of print media, which at the same time, readers, listeners and viewers send the written news, recorded and filmed.


Efficiency, effectiveness convergence, written electronic media

Session Chair

Gjylie Rexha

Session Co-Chair

Musa Sabedini

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 9:00 AM

End Date

31-10-2020 10:30 AM



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Oct 31st, 9:00 AM Oct 31st, 10:30 AM

Efficiency, effectiveness and effect of convergency in Albanian media of Kosovo

Lipjan, Kosovo

The enhancement of technology has led to a faster and more accurate informing than before. Almost every one of them has a cell phone comprised of various programs installed in it creates them the opportunity to browse a wide range of different newspapers and magazines and in the vast majority of languages in the world. Due to the fact that the media is an industry which constantly produces information, an as matter of a fact it’s function is to inform the public, and that their activity is regulated by law, it implies that they are or at least should be in function of fulfilling the obligation which implies conyeing fair information to the public in compliance with the legal acts governing the media. Based on the reduced number of newspapers printed over the years in Kosovo, the small number of copies printed and sold, as well as the increase in online newspapers. Consequently, this hypothesis been raised due to convergence ( voice, image, writing) and owing to the speed of news dissemination, the number of followers of the portals-electronic newsletters has increased and the number of followers of the printed newspapers has decreased, as well as the followers of TV and fixed radios. In this regard, Information Technology is one of the main factors in this development of print media, which at the same time, readers, listeners and viewers send the written news, recorded and filmed.