UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Digital Media as a promoters of cultural heritage

Digital Media as a promoters of cultural heritage


Art and Digital Media


Cultural heritage by one definition I like to use is everything that is created by the hand and mind of man in the past. It has been transmitted to us today in various forms. The material heritage is deposited in the cultural layers that we find underground as well as the architectural heritage that is still found today in fragmented or complete form, underground or above ground. The spiritual and the movable heritage have been passed down from generation to generation. Cultural landscapes expect to be remembered in our memory and to be protected. In our country, cultural heritage is categorized and protected by law. Its categories are: Architectural; archaeological; movable; Immovable heritage and Cultural Landscapes. The Kosovo region is one of the richest regions with a diverse cultural heritage ranging from early prehistory starting from the Mesolithic, Neolithic in continuity until today. Today we need to promote heritage in order for future generations to understand the course of civilizations and in this regard the best promotion can be made by digital media. They are inevitable both in raising public awareness, promoting and protecting of the cultural heritage.


Cultural heritage, digital media, promotion

Session Chair

Arben Arifi

Session Co-Chair

Gazmend Ejupi

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 9:00 AM

End Date

31-10-2020 10:30 AM



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Oct 31st, 9:00 AM Oct 31st, 10:30 AM

Digital Media as a promoters of cultural heritage

Lipjan, Kosovo

Cultural heritage by one definition I like to use is everything that is created by the hand and mind of man in the past. It has been transmitted to us today in various forms. The material heritage is deposited in the cultural layers that we find underground as well as the architectural heritage that is still found today in fragmented or complete form, underground or above ground. The spiritual and the movable heritage have been passed down from generation to generation. Cultural landscapes expect to be remembered in our memory and to be protected. In our country, cultural heritage is categorized and protected by law. Its categories are: Architectural; archaeological; movable; Immovable heritage and Cultural Landscapes. The Kosovo region is one of the richest regions with a diverse cultural heritage ranging from early prehistory starting from the Mesolithic, Neolithic in continuity until today. Today we need to promote heritage in order for future generations to understand the course of civilizations and in this regard the best promotion can be made by digital media. They are inevitable both in raising public awareness, promoting and protecting of the cultural heritage.