UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Consumers’ food choice and quality perception in Kosovo

Consumers’ food choice and quality perception in Kosovo


Agriculture, Food Science and Technology


Food quality and safety belong to the most important factors of building the image of the product, brand, or country of origin at the local, regional or global markets. The main aim of the paper is to assessment the food products quality perception in the Kosovo from consumers viewpoint and to analyses the elements which contribute most to defining the quality of a food product. Different aspects of the food products quality perception were considered during our research as food hygiene, product safety, taste, brand, quality mark and safety processes in food manufacturing. The methodical approaches of the paper are based on the questionnaire survey. The computations were processed by using the statistical program SPSS. The research results point at the expiration date of the food product as the most important qualitative factor for the respondents in all consumers. On the other hand, the quality management system during the processing food as a factor is considered as of either a much importance one in terms of the product quality perception. Also, the packing as a factor is considered as of either importance one in terms of the product quality perception.


food product, quality factor, consumers perception

Session Chair

Xhavit Bytyqi

Session Co-Chair

Valon Durguti

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 1:30 PM

End Date

31-10-2020 3:00 PM



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Oct 31st, 1:30 PM Oct 31st, 3:00 PM

Consumers’ food choice and quality perception in Kosovo

Lipjan, Kosovo

Food quality and safety belong to the most important factors of building the image of the product, brand, or country of origin at the local, regional or global markets. The main aim of the paper is to assessment the food products quality perception in the Kosovo from consumers viewpoint and to analyses the elements which contribute most to defining the quality of a food product. Different aspects of the food products quality perception were considered during our research as food hygiene, product safety, taste, brand, quality mark and safety processes in food manufacturing. The methodical approaches of the paper are based on the questionnaire survey. The computations were processed by using the statistical program SPSS. The research results point at the expiration date of the food product as the most important qualitative factor for the respondents in all consumers. On the other hand, the quality management system during the processing food as a factor is considered as of either a much importance one in terms of the product quality perception. Also, the packing as a factor is considered as of either importance one in terms of the product quality perception.