UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Democratic stability of pluralist societies

Democratic stability of pluralist societies


Political Science


The motivation for this paper is to try and explore the topic of pluralistic complex societies and democracy. The pluralist version of John Sudenham Furnival, which defines pluralist societies as societies where individuals are geographically mixed but avoid social contact with each other and that such societies are incompatible with democracy, motivated me to stay and explore the topic. I would also like to emphasize the stability of such a society, i.e. the moderate effect of overlapping membership. Namely, majority rule and the political model of government-versus-opposition implies democracy and hence the theses of which model of political governance should be applied in multiethnic plural societies. Namely, I do intend to point out the views and opinions of various authors who have written on this topic and as a synthesis to draw conclusions about the moderate political (democratic) stability of the pluralist societies.


pluralism, multiculturalism, democray, political stability, multi-ethnicity

Session Chair

Shqipe Mjekiqi

Session Co-Chair

Artan Mustafa

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 11:20 AM

End Date

31-10-2020 12:50 PM



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Oct 31st, 11:20 AM Oct 31st, 12:50 PM

Democratic stability of pluralist societies

Lipjan, Kosovo

The motivation for this paper is to try and explore the topic of pluralistic complex societies and democracy. The pluralist version of John Sudenham Furnival, which defines pluralist societies as societies where individuals are geographically mixed but avoid social contact with each other and that such societies are incompatible with democracy, motivated me to stay and explore the topic. I would also like to emphasize the stability of such a society, i.e. the moderate effect of overlapping membership. Namely, majority rule and the political model of government-versus-opposition implies democracy and hence the theses of which model of political governance should be applied in multiethnic plural societies. Namely, I do intend to point out the views and opinions of various authors who have written on this topic and as a synthesis to draw conclusions about the moderate political (democratic) stability of the pluralist societies.