UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: The possibility of constructing the Lepenc sub-system as part of the Ibër-Lepenc Hydro System Project, Kosovo

The possibility of constructing the Lepenc sub-system as part of the Ibër-Lepenc Hydro System Project, Kosovo


Civil Engineering, Infrastructure and Environment


Recent years Kosovo’s municipalities suffer from water shortages due to hydrological drought and the misuse of water resources. The situation has worsened in the last ten years due to the occurrence of extremely dry periods and poor rainfall. Reservoirs are a source of water for major towns, but in rural areas only 61% of houses connect to public supply systems, supplemented by wells or springs. Water quality of Kosovo’s rivers suffers from lack of residential and industrial wastewater treatment and poor riverbed maintenance, further limiting the availability of water for drinking supply and irrigation. The Ibër-Lepenc system was designed to supply industry, water companies and agriculture with bulk water for North, most of Central and East of Kosova as well as produce power from the Power Plant. The detailed project was prepared in the 1970s and consisted of two sub-systems; Ibër and Lepenc. The Ibër system was implemented in the 1980s and is in operation for more than 35 years, while the Lepenc system was never implemented. Due to issues mentioned above, the Lepenc sub-system should be constructed to increase the availability of water resources in these areas. After 50 years of the design there are needs to change the design and adapt to the current situation. Now are different social, economic and cultural conditions, new standards and technologies seismic and geophysical measurements and studies since the 1970s, the considerable growth in the urban settlements during the last 50 years, cross-boundary implications with the North of Macedonia, etc. The possibility of constructing the Lepenc sub-system as part of the Ibër-Lepenc Hydro System Project is the focus of this study.


Hydro System, Project Design, Water & Power Supply, Irrigation

Session Chair

Driton Kryeziu

Session Co-Chair

Blertë Retkoceri

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 1:30 PM

End Date

31-10-2020 3:00 PM



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Oct 31st, 1:30 PM Oct 31st, 3:00 PM

The possibility of constructing the Lepenc sub-system as part of the Ibër-Lepenc Hydro System Project, Kosovo

Lipjan, Kosovo

Recent years Kosovo’s municipalities suffer from water shortages due to hydrological drought and the misuse of water resources. The situation has worsened in the last ten years due to the occurrence of extremely dry periods and poor rainfall. Reservoirs are a source of water for major towns, but in rural areas only 61% of houses connect to public supply systems, supplemented by wells or springs. Water quality of Kosovo’s rivers suffers from lack of residential and industrial wastewater treatment and poor riverbed maintenance, further limiting the availability of water for drinking supply and irrigation. The Ibër-Lepenc system was designed to supply industry, water companies and agriculture with bulk water for North, most of Central and East of Kosova as well as produce power from the Power Plant. The detailed project was prepared in the 1970s and consisted of two sub-systems; Ibër and Lepenc. The Ibër system was implemented in the 1980s and is in operation for more than 35 years, while the Lepenc system was never implemented. Due to issues mentioned above, the Lepenc sub-system should be constructed to increase the availability of water resources in these areas. After 50 years of the design there are needs to change the design and adapt to the current situation. Now are different social, economic and cultural conditions, new standards and technologies seismic and geophysical measurements and studies since the 1970s, the considerable growth in the urban settlements during the last 50 years, cross-boundary implications with the North of Macedonia, etc. The possibility of constructing the Lepenc sub-system as part of the Ibër-Lepenc Hydro System Project is the focus of this study.