UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: The development of intercultural competency through English Language Learning


Language and Culture


Culture shows the life people live and as of this fact, we see that the term culture refers to beliefs, ideas, values, and knowledge of one nation. On the other side, we also can say that culture and language are bonded together and they cannot be separated when learning takes place as it develops standard communication skills. Otherwise, if languages are taught without their cultures, students are only the visitors of the language who aren’t familiar in detail about the origin of a particular language. Therefore, one of the strategies to learn English as a foreign language is if we see it through its culture and acquire this learning through the technique of competency base learning as it helps students develop their skills in their pace and provides students with useful models of authentic use of the language in the classroom and online. The purpose of this study is to discover the possibilities of learning English for the development of intercultural competence and to distinguish successful teaching methods for the development of this competence in higher education also to show that students need to acquire these competencies, so they can have the most effective communication with individuals from the cultures of English-speaking countries.


ELL, EFL, intercultural differences, cultural value

Session Chair

Drita Xhemaili

Session Co-Chair

Manjola Brahaj Halili

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi



First Page


Last Page



Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 1:30 PM

End Date

31-10-2020 3:00 PM




Oct 31st, 1:30 PM Oct 31st, 3:00 PM

The development of intercultural competency through English Language Learning

Lipjan, Kosovo

Culture shows the life people live and as of this fact, we see that the term culture refers to beliefs, ideas, values, and knowledge of one nation. On the other side, we also can say that culture and language are bonded together and they cannot be separated when learning takes place as it develops standard communication skills. Otherwise, if languages are taught without their cultures, students are only the visitors of the language who aren’t familiar in detail about the origin of a particular language. Therefore, one of the strategies to learn English as a foreign language is if we see it through its culture and acquire this learning through the technique of competency base learning as it helps students develop their skills in their pace and provides students with useful models of authentic use of the language in the classroom and online. The purpose of this study is to discover the possibilities of learning English for the development of intercultural competence and to distinguish successful teaching methods for the development of this competence in higher education also to show that students need to acquire these competencies, so they can have the most effective communication with individuals from the cultures of English-speaking countries.