Computer Science and Communication Engineering
These days it is known that Big Data Analytics is taking a huge attention from researchers and also from business. We all are witness of the data growth that every institution, company or even individuals store in order to use them in the future. There is a big potential to extract useful data from this Big Data that is stored usually in Cloud because sometimes there is not enough local space to store big amounts of data. There is a huge number of sectors where Big Data can be helpful including economic and business activities, public administration, national security, scientific researches in many areas, etc. This data in order to be used must get processed, usually by using Big Data Analytics Techniques. It is for sure that the future of business and technology will be relied on Big Data Analytics. This paper aims to show how big data is analyzed especially when it is deployed on cloud as well as the challenges, techniques and technologies that are used and can be used, in order to analyze Big Data on Cloud. We discuss and implement different methodologies of Big Data Analytics on Cloud.
Big Data, Big Data Analytics, Cloud Computing, Data Storage.
Session Chair
Bertan Karahoda
Session Co-Chair
Besnik Qehaja
Proceedings Editor
Edmond Hajrizi
First Page
Last Page
Lipjan, Kosovo
Start Date
31-10-2020 10:45 AM
End Date
31-10-2020 12:30 PM
Recommended Citation
Biberaj, Aleksander; Shurdi, Olimpion; Kazia, Bledar; Kushe, Renalda; and Rakipi, Alban, "Big Data Analytics on Cloud: challenges, techniques and technologies" (2020). UBT International Conference. 301.
Big Data Analytics on Cloud: challenges, techniques and technologies
Lipjan, Kosovo
These days it is known that Big Data Analytics is taking a huge attention from researchers and also from business. We all are witness of the data growth that every institution, company or even individuals store in order to use them in the future. There is a big potential to extract useful data from this Big Data that is stored usually in Cloud because sometimes there is not enough local space to store big amounts of data. There is a huge number of sectors where Big Data can be helpful including economic and business activities, public administration, national security, scientific researches in many areas, etc. This data in order to be used must get processed, usually by using Big Data Analytics Techniques. It is for sure that the future of business and technology will be relied on Big Data Analytics. This paper aims to show how big data is analyzed especially when it is deployed on cloud as well as the challenges, techniques and technologies that are used and can be used, in order to analyze Big Data on Cloud. We discuss and implement different methodologies of Big Data Analytics on Cloud.