UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Attitudes of nurses towards barriers to patient education in the clinical environment

Attitudes of nurses towards barriers to patient education in the clinical environment


Medicine and Nursing


Patient education is the process of changing behavior, increasing the knowledge, attitudes, and skills needed to maintain or improve health. Educating patients in the clinical environment strengthens their participation in self-care. During their work, nurses, in addition to providing direct care, also have the task of educating patients. This process is followed by various barriers.Purpose of the paper: It was to evaluate the attitudes of nurses towards barriers to patient education in the clinical environment.Method: The research has transversal methodologies. 77 UCCK nurses in Prishtina participated in the research. The mean age of the participants was 38.2 ± 11.4 years. By gender 89% were female and 11% male. With high school 59%, with bachelor's degree 31% and with master 10%. Data were collected with a self- administered instrument. All ethical rules for participating entities have been respected. The results were analyzed with SPSS-24.Results: Regarding patient education methods 82% of participants reported using the verbal method, 7% use written materials and 11% combined methods. Nurses identified the main barriers to patient education the high workload of 61%, job dissatisfaction 36%, lack of managerial attention 50%, lack of space for patient education 59% and lack of information for patient education 40 %. The t-test revealed statistically significant differences (p <0.05) between nurses' attitudes towards patient education barriers, work experience and level of education.Discussion: The identification of many barriers in the process of educating patients by nurses indicates the great challenges and small opportunities they have in educating patients in the clinical environment.Recommendations: Develop strategies to eliminate barriers and establish patient education as a standard of nursing practice in the clinical setting.


attitudes, nurse, patient, education barriers, clinical environment

Session Chair

Besnik Elshani

Session Co-Chair

Valdete Serreqi

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 10:45 AM

End Date

31-10-2020 12:15 PM



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Oct 31st, 10:45 AM Oct 31st, 12:15 PM

Attitudes of nurses towards barriers to patient education in the clinical environment

Lipjan, Kosovo

Patient education is the process of changing behavior, increasing the knowledge, attitudes, and skills needed to maintain or improve health. Educating patients in the clinical environment strengthens their participation in self-care. During their work, nurses, in addition to providing direct care, also have the task of educating patients. This process is followed by various barriers.Purpose of the paper: It was to evaluate the attitudes of nurses towards barriers to patient education in the clinical environment.Method: The research has transversal methodologies. 77 UCCK nurses in Prishtina participated in the research. The mean age of the participants was 38.2 ± 11.4 years. By gender 89% were female and 11% male. With high school 59%, with bachelor's degree 31% and with master 10%. Data were collected with a self- administered instrument. All ethical rules for participating entities have been respected. The results were analyzed with SPSS-24.Results: Regarding patient education methods 82% of participants reported using the verbal method, 7% use written materials and 11% combined methods. Nurses identified the main barriers to patient education the high workload of 61%, job dissatisfaction 36%, lack of managerial attention 50%, lack of space for patient education 59% and lack of information for patient education 40 %. The t-test revealed statistically significant differences (p <0.05) between nurses' attitudes towards patient education barriers, work experience and level of education.Discussion: The identification of many barriers in the process of educating patients by nurses indicates the great challenges and small opportunities they have in educating patients in the clinical environment.Recommendations: Develop strategies to eliminate barriers and establish patient education as a standard of nursing practice in the clinical setting.