UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Suggestions and recommendations for fulfillment and implementation of the project for Broadband internet in Macedonia


Computer Science and Communication Engineering


Nowadays, broadband is defined on the basis of a number of parameters that can be offered through existing electronic communications networks (fixed or mobile networks) and the construction of some next generation of advanced electronic communications networks. This is extremely important for the quality of the received service, because with the existence of a quality electronic communication network, you will distribute a quality and fast data transfer to the end users, some of whom actually want it. Optical cable, among other types of cables, using the Operator and the access method known as " fiber to the home ", has a very good advantage for the end user, who uses the required service. On the other hand, wireless technologies such as Wi-Fi, Wi-Max and GSM / GPRS / UMTS / HSDPA, 4G and 5G are also new ways to access the Internet. This electronic communication infrastructure owned by a Public Operator for Electronic Communications Services (eg optical network or wireless 4G or 5G network) would be able to provide to the users significantly higher speed and security in data transmission, consistency at speeds, reduced error rates of real-time applications (video streaming, video communication, etc.). This paper provides suggestions and recommendations for fulfilling and implementing the broadband projest. It clarifies in which segments corrections should be made in the regulatory acts, with legal and by the laws. The real situation in the part of the broadband internet in our state is summarized in which direction the goals for improvement and fulfillment of the functioning of the broadband internet should move in the future.


broadband internet; telecommunication infrastructure; access; optical cable; regulation; network coverage, 4G and 5G network; wireless; fiber to the home

Session Chair

Zhilbert Tafa

Session Co-Chair

Xhafer Krasniqi

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi



First Page


Last Page



Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 1:30 PM

End Date

31-10-2020 4:15 PM




Oct 31st, 1:30 PM Oct 31st, 4:15 PM

Suggestions and recommendations for fulfillment and implementation of the project for Broadband internet in Macedonia

Lipjan, Kosovo

Nowadays, broadband is defined on the basis of a number of parameters that can be offered through existing electronic communications networks (fixed or mobile networks) and the construction of some next generation of advanced electronic communications networks. This is extremely important for the quality of the received service, because with the existence of a quality electronic communication network, you will distribute a quality and fast data transfer to the end users, some of whom actually want it. Optical cable, among other types of cables, using the Operator and the access method known as " fiber to the home ", has a very good advantage for the end user, who uses the required service. On the other hand, wireless technologies such as Wi-Fi, Wi-Max and GSM / GPRS / UMTS / HSDPA, 4G and 5G are also new ways to access the Internet. This electronic communication infrastructure owned by a Public Operator for Electronic Communications Services (eg optical network or wireless 4G or 5G network) would be able to provide to the users significantly higher speed and security in data transmission, consistency at speeds, reduced error rates of real-time applications (video streaming, video communication, etc.). This paper provides suggestions and recommendations for fulfilling and implementing the broadband projest. It clarifies in which segments corrections should be made in the regulatory acts, with legal and by the laws. The real situation in the part of the broadband internet in our state is summarized in which direction the goals for improvement and fulfillment of the functioning of the broadband internet should move in the future.