Architecture and Spatial Planning
Urban planning plays a key role in the global response to climate change and its impact on water resources. Therefore, the management of water resources and their consideration in sustainable urban planning is a challenge for planners, which will be increasingly emphasized in the future. In this paper, by comparing the current situation in the city of Gostivar in R.N.Macedonia and the planned situation with the General Urban Plan, the possibilities for greater respect for water resources in urban development are perceived. It is concluded that, for the specific case in urban planning, there are opportunities to improve water resources management, as an important segment of sustainable urban development. It is recommended that the management of water resources in urban areas be fully integrated into the urban planning process, in order to create conditions for sustainable urban development.
Spatial Planning, Sustainable Development, Urban Areas, Water Resources
Session Chair
Binak Beqaj
Session Co-Chair
Elvida Pallaska
Proceedings Editor
Edmond Hajrizi
First Page
Last Page
Lipjan, Kosovo
Start Date
31-10-2020 1:30 PM
End Date
31-10-2020 3:00 PM
Recommended Citation
Fidani, Drenushe; Gesovska, Violeta; and Pancovska, Valentina Zileska, "Sustainable Management of Water Resources in Urban Areas as an Integrated Part of Urban Planning" (2020). UBT International Conference. 355.
Sustainable Management of Water Resources in Urban Areas as an Integrated Part of Urban Planning
Lipjan, Kosovo
Urban planning plays a key role in the global response to climate change and its impact on water resources. Therefore, the management of water resources and their consideration in sustainable urban planning is a challenge for planners, which will be increasingly emphasized in the future. In this paper, by comparing the current situation in the city of Gostivar in R.N.Macedonia and the planned situation with the General Urban Plan, the possibilities for greater respect for water resources in urban development are perceived. It is concluded that, for the specific case in urban planning, there are opportunities to improve water resources management, as an important segment of sustainable urban development. It is recommended that the management of water resources in urban areas be fully integrated into the urban planning process, in order to create conditions for sustainable urban development.