Facing the challenge of SARS CoV- 2 by building a centralized coordination mechanism for research and experience sharing for clinical and research purposes


Computer Science and Communication Engineering


Global health crisis of Covid-19 is the currently the single most pressing issue that humanity is facing. All effort is given to make sure that global public health is kept running and that a collapse of health institutions is avoided or if it is inevitable delayed for as long as possible. Because Covid-19 is priority number one, the scientific community is focusing most of its recourses in fighting it. Number of studies published and experiences gained by front line workers in hospitals around the globe is becoming difficult to follow and many precious insides on the illness are overlooked and in current situation that is something we all can’t afford. A centralized platform for collecting studies, data and first hand observation coupled with machine learning based on semantic web to help sort the data find communalities in different studies and pointing them out to relevant researchers, and the platform being a good tool to facilitate contacts between researcher around the globe. A sharing point between different front line health care workers that can share there experiences and observation and thus reduce the suffering and death of patients and shorten the hospital time and therefore reduce hospital resource depletion delay or help to stay off the collapse of health systems. This platform would especially be useful to developing countries that have a weaker public health care system and fewer resources in disposition. Any help to prevent the worst case scenario of patient selection and turning down people in need of help is more than needed today.


SARS COV-2, Machine learning, Semantic Web, E-Health, centralized platform

Session Chair

Edmond Jahjaga

Session Co-Chair

Ramiz Hoxha

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 9:00 AM

End Date

31-10-2020 10:30 AM



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Oct 31st, 9:00 AM Oct 31st, 10:30 AM

Facing the challenge of SARS CoV- 2 by building a centralized coordination mechanism for research and experience sharing for clinical and research purposes

Lipjan, Kosovo

Global health crisis of Covid-19 is the currently the single most pressing issue that humanity is facing. All effort is given to make sure that global public health is kept running and that a collapse of health institutions is avoided or if it is inevitable delayed for as long as possible. Because Covid-19 is priority number one, the scientific community is focusing most of its recourses in fighting it. Number of studies published and experiences gained by front line workers in hospitals around the globe is becoming difficult to follow and many precious insides on the illness are overlooked and in current situation that is something we all can’t afford. A centralized platform for collecting studies, data and first hand observation coupled with machine learning based on semantic web to help sort the data find communalities in different studies and pointing them out to relevant researchers, and the platform being a good tool to facilitate contacts between researcher around the globe. A sharing point between different front line health care workers that can share there experiences and observation and thus reduce the suffering and death of patients and shorten the hospital time and therefore reduce hospital resource depletion delay or help to stay off the collapse of health systems. This platform would especially be useful to developing countries that have a weaker public health care system and fewer resources in disposition. Any help to prevent the worst case scenario of patient selection and turning down people in need of help is more than needed today.