UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Exploring Collective Memory Through Art and Space: A Case Study for Organizing a Site-specific Exhibition

Exploring Collective Memory Through Art and Space: A Case Study for Organizing a Site-specific Exhibition


Integrated Design


This paper investigates the methods of exploring collective memory through art and space, specifically focusing on Fatmir Mustafa-Karllo’s exhibition “Mosquito Vapor Trails” which was curated by Artrit Bytyçi, for Paper Gallery in Prishtina, Kosovo. Special focus is given to the selection of the artworks, how the exhibition space itself serves as an environment which is in conversation with the works, as well as the curatorial process and text as not only as a reflection of the artist’s works, but also as an artwork in itself that provides an extra layer of meaning and discussion. Three artworks by Fatmir Mustafa-Karllo will be discussed: “Rapid Eye Movement,” “Picnic,” and “After the Stroke.” Furthermore, we will focus on discussing the importance of the exhibition space, especially on the fact that the current location of Paper Gallery and Paper Communications is at the former venue of Radio Prishtina, and how this space is in a conversation with the artworks exhibited therein. Finally we will focus on the process of writing the curatorial text, and how as much as it is in conversation with and support of the exhibition, it is also an artwork in itself.


exhibition, site-specific, collective memory, art installation, transitional spaces, artworks, curatorial text

Session Chair

Artrit Bytyçi

Session Co-Chair

Sara Sylejmani

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 9:00 AM

End Date

31-10-2020 10:30 AM



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Oct 31st, 9:00 AM Oct 31st, 10:30 AM

Exploring Collective Memory Through Art and Space: A Case Study for Organizing a Site-specific Exhibition

Lipjan, Kosovo

This paper investigates the methods of exploring collective memory through art and space, specifically focusing on Fatmir Mustafa-Karllo’s exhibition “Mosquito Vapor Trails” which was curated by Artrit Bytyçi, for Paper Gallery in Prishtina, Kosovo. Special focus is given to the selection of the artworks, how the exhibition space itself serves as an environment which is in conversation with the works, as well as the curatorial process and text as not only as a reflection of the artist’s works, but also as an artwork in itself that provides an extra layer of meaning and discussion. Three artworks by Fatmir Mustafa-Karllo will be discussed: “Rapid Eye Movement,” “Picnic,” and “After the Stroke.” Furthermore, we will focus on discussing the importance of the exhibition space, especially on the fact that the current location of Paper Gallery and Paper Communications is at the former venue of Radio Prishtina, and how this space is in a conversation with the artworks exhibited therein. Finally we will focus on the process of writing the curatorial text, and how as much as it is in conversation with and support of the exhibition, it is also an artwork in itself.