UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: The Study of Mashing Methods and Features of Fermentations Products


Agriculture, Food Science and Technology


If mashing is conducted at 62 to 63˚C, a higher maltose composition is obtained, and the limit is of fermentation rate is higher. The wort, which has a lot of maltose ferments quickly, and the yeast is kept suspended for a long time. Continuous mashing at 62 to 64˚C yields beer with a high fermentation limit; if these temperatures are exceeded, and continuous mashing is carried out at 72 to 75˚C, beers with high dextrin content and low fermentation limit are obtained. To produce beer, primary and secondary fermentation are performed. During primary fermentation, the obtained sugars are converted into alcohol, CO2, and lasts up to 7 days; during secondary fermentation, the beer matures, and this process lasts up to 21 days. This paper will address the importance of achieving the right temperatures during the malt heating process, as well as their importance in the development of the fermentation process.


Wort, Basic Extract, Beer, KEB, MEBAK

Session Chair

Fidan Feka

Session Co-Chair

Hyzer Rizani

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi



First Page


Last Page



Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 3:15 PM

End Date

31-10-2020 4:45 PM




Oct 31st, 3:15 PM Oct 31st, 4:45 PM

The Study of Mashing Methods and Features of Fermentations Products

Lipjan, Kosovo

If mashing is conducted at 62 to 63˚C, a higher maltose composition is obtained, and the limit is of fermentation rate is higher. The wort, which has a lot of maltose ferments quickly, and the yeast is kept suspended for a long time. Continuous mashing at 62 to 64˚C yields beer with a high fermentation limit; if these temperatures are exceeded, and continuous mashing is carried out at 72 to 75˚C, beers with high dextrin content and low fermentation limit are obtained. To produce beer, primary and secondary fermentation are performed. During primary fermentation, the obtained sugars are converted into alcohol, CO2, and lasts up to 7 days; during secondary fermentation, the beer matures, and this process lasts up to 21 days. This paper will address the importance of achieving the right temperatures during the malt heating process, as well as their importance in the development of the fermentation process.