UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: The Role of Personalized Marketing in Business- Customer Relationships


Management, Business and Economics


The idea of personalized marketing lies in creating a unique customer experience and delivering products / services / messages that are relevant to it. The need for it came as every day more and more customers are being targeted by a large number of ads and this has already created so much annoyance for people that they are now trying to avoid them. Modern data sources today are considered to be data collected from smartphones and social networks. Seeing this dilemma what we have tried to understand through this research is whether customers want their shopping experience to be more personalized and whether they are willing to share personal information with companies in return. To achieve a deeper understanding of the research topic and question as well as to test the hypotheses it was decided to use both qualitative and quantitative methods.


personalized marketing, clients, ads, information, marketers, targeting

Session Chair

Bashkim Nurboja

Session Co-Chair

Florin Aliu

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi



First Page


Last Page



Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 3:15 PM

End Date

31-10-2020 4:45 PM



Included in

Business Commons


Oct 31st, 3:15 PM Oct 31st, 4:45 PM

The Role of Personalized Marketing in Business- Customer Relationships

Lipjan, Kosovo

The idea of personalized marketing lies in creating a unique customer experience and delivering products / services / messages that are relevant to it. The need for it came as every day more and more customers are being targeted by a large number of ads and this has already created so much annoyance for people that they are now trying to avoid them. Modern data sources today are considered to be data collected from smartphones and social networks. Seeing this dilemma what we have tried to understand through this research is whether customers want their shopping experience to be more personalized and whether they are willing to share personal information with companies in return. To achieve a deeper understanding of the research topic and question as well as to test the hypotheses it was decided to use both qualitative and quantitative methods.