Modern Arts Museum in a postwar city Prishtina


Architecture and Spatial Planning


Living in a space with a socio-political turbulence over the centuries and in a post war country makes artistic expression and creation difficult, especially experiencing the art, makes it almost impossible. Balkan region, as Kosovo too is known with its handicraftsman over the centuries and it is proven for the artistic expression as a part of culture of this region. But, in a postwar statement still is struggling in a new contemporary artistic expression. That’s in many cases because of the lack of will that should provide the perspectives for the future. The objective of this study is to deal with the rising the will of interest in artistic expressions treated in a contemporary building that focuses in a relationship with artistic expression and human day life. The arguments of this study will make the principal design fulfilling the needs of the society development in an artistic expression that will enhance the capacity of artists expressions and experiencing it in a contemporary way.


Modern arts museum, artistic expression, contemporary architecture, architecture and philosophy

Session Chair

Lulzim Beqiri

Session Co-Chair

Mimoza Sylejmani

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 9:00 AM

End Date

31-10-2020 10:30 AM



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Oct 31st, 9:00 AM Oct 31st, 10:30 AM

Modern Arts Museum in a postwar city Prishtina

Lipjan, Kosovo

Living in a space with a socio-political turbulence over the centuries and in a post war country makes artistic expression and creation difficult, especially experiencing the art, makes it almost impossible. Balkan region, as Kosovo too is known with its handicraftsman over the centuries and it is proven for the artistic expression as a part of culture of this region. But, in a postwar statement still is struggling in a new contemporary artistic expression. That’s in many cases because of the lack of will that should provide the perspectives for the future. The objective of this study is to deal with the rising the will of interest in artistic expressions treated in a contemporary building that focuses in a relationship with artistic expression and human day life. The arguments of this study will make the principal design fulfilling the needs of the society development in an artistic expression that will enhance the capacity of artists expressions and experiencing it in a contemporary way.