UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Urban layers and historical footprints as a Cultural adequate housing right. Case study National Theater and Urban Villas of Tirana, Albania

Urban layers and historical footprints as a Cultural adequate housing right. Case study National Theater and Urban Villas of Tirana, Albania

Presenter Information

Doriana Musaj, University of Tirana


Architecture and Spatial Planning


The purpose of this study is to reveal how the phenomenon of redevelopment is affecting the historical urban layers of the city of Tirana and expecially the transformation of the city center. The National Theatre of Albania, builded under Albanian monarchy, by the italian company Patter Milano, the project was designed by Gulio Berte, italian architect. is part of this transformation, even though it faced a vibrant opposition, capable to have a repercursion in all the city and to other social movements connected to the right for housing. The demolition of the National Theatre opens many investigative questions, and on the future of the city, seriously affecting the nearby neighborhoods - now-days under gentrification process. Through a mixed design of the urban layers the research brings anexplanatory methodology based on field observations and interviews. Results of the study shows that the process of the city center transformation is causing social, economical and cultural effects. During this redevelopment process, there have been losts important urban footprints by affecting the historical inhabitants and conseguetly the rights under adequate housing definition, such is tenure right and cultural adequacy.


Redevelopment; Historical Footprints; Right to Cultural Adeguate Housing; International Human Rights.

Session Chair

Binak Beqaj

Session Co-Chair

Elvida Pallaska

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 1:30 PM

End Date

31-10-2020 3:00 PM



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Oct 31st, 1:30 PM Oct 31st, 3:00 PM

Urban layers and historical footprints as a Cultural adequate housing right. Case study National Theater and Urban Villas of Tirana, Albania

Lipjan, Kosovo

The purpose of this study is to reveal how the phenomenon of redevelopment is affecting the historical urban layers of the city of Tirana and expecially the transformation of the city center. The National Theatre of Albania, builded under Albanian monarchy, by the italian company Patter Milano, the project was designed by Gulio Berte, italian architect. is part of this transformation, even though it faced a vibrant opposition, capable to have a repercursion in all the city and to other social movements connected to the right for housing. The demolition of the National Theatre opens many investigative questions, and on the future of the city, seriously affecting the nearby neighborhoods - now-days under gentrification process. Through a mixed design of the urban layers the research brings anexplanatory methodology based on field observations and interviews. Results of the study shows that the process of the city center transformation is causing social, economical and cultural effects. During this redevelopment process, there have been losts important urban footprints by affecting the historical inhabitants and conseguetly the rights under adequate housing definition, such is tenure right and cultural adequacy.