UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Urban functionality, meaning and identity of urban public space (Cases from Kosova)

Urban functionality, meaning and identity of urban public space (Cases from Kosova)


Architecture and Spatial Planning


Cities are under the rapid urban development, somewhere even without adequate urban planning! As cities are growing, less open spaces as “spaces for all” are there, more inhabitants as multi- cultural and multi- social value are there!  High density everywhere (lack of open space)  Dominant high-rise buildings (lack of human scale)  Low rate of interrelation between urban units (lack of urban functionality) Because of the fact that public space is not static- it evolves over the time; in the cities of Kosova, urban functionality and the meaning of the public space is a problematic issue, knowing that most of the cities didn’t have continual urban planning as a result of urbocide (urban-genocide) that Serbia has made systematically during the years there! So, developing adequate public urban spaces (functional and aesthetical values) meant that they should promote community involvement, because of their unique character and because of the fact that public space is considered as “incomparable teacher” of social skills and attitudes for all categories of citizens there!


cities, urban, growing, density, public space, functionality, community, human scale, value.

Session Chair

Binak Beqaj

Session Co-Chair

Elvida Pallaska

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 1:30 PM

End Date

31-10-2020 3:00 PM



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Oct 31st, 1:30 PM Oct 31st, 3:00 PM

Urban functionality, meaning and identity of urban public space (Cases from Kosova)

Lipjan, Kosovo

Cities are under the rapid urban development, somewhere even without adequate urban planning! As cities are growing, less open spaces as “spaces for all” are there, more inhabitants as multi- cultural and multi- social value are there!  High density everywhere (lack of open space)  Dominant high-rise buildings (lack of human scale)  Low rate of interrelation between urban units (lack of urban functionality) Because of the fact that public space is not static- it evolves over the time; in the cities of Kosova, urban functionality and the meaning of the public space is a problematic issue, knowing that most of the cities didn’t have continual urban planning as a result of urbocide (urban-genocide) that Serbia has made systematically during the years there! So, developing adequate public urban spaces (functional and aesthetical values) meant that they should promote community involvement, because of their unique character and because of the fact that public space is considered as “incomparable teacher” of social skills and attitudes for all categories of citizens there!