UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Understanding the process of dying among young and old adults




This qualitative study aimed to further understand and explore the different perspectives that young and old adults have regarding the process of dying , respectively how young and old adults perceive and understand the process of dying, their thoughts, feelings and beliefs regarding the personal death and the death of loved ones, the connection between life and death cycle, their insights regarding the pivotal role that culture has on the way how people approach death, different coping mechanisms when facing loss, the idea of afterlife and perspectives for the idea of being immortal. In this research study participated 8 young adults (4 women and 4 men; 24-29 years old) and 7 old adults (3 women and 4 men; 65-72 years old). All participants were from Kosovo and were recruited through snowball sampling method. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews which lasted around 15- 40 minutes. The data gathered from semi-structured interviews were analyzed through Thematic Analysis. After the data coding, seven themes were generated: Appreciation for being alive, Life and Death Cycle, The meaning of Death, Afterlife, The universal fear of dying, Coping with the process of dying and The idea of being immortal.


process of dying, young adults, old adults, perspective, coping mechanisms

Session Chair

Violeta Zefi

Session Co-Chair

Denis Celcima

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi



First Page


Last Page



Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 1:30 PM

End Date

31-10-2020 3:00 PM




Oct 31st, 1:30 PM Oct 31st, 3:00 PM

Understanding the process of dying among young and old adults

Lipjan, Kosovo

This qualitative study aimed to further understand and explore the different perspectives that young and old adults have regarding the process of dying , respectively how young and old adults perceive and understand the process of dying, their thoughts, feelings and beliefs regarding the personal death and the death of loved ones, the connection between life and death cycle, their insights regarding the pivotal role that culture has on the way how people approach death, different coping mechanisms when facing loss, the idea of afterlife and perspectives for the idea of being immortal. In this research study participated 8 young adults (4 women and 4 men; 24-29 years old) and 7 old adults (3 women and 4 men; 65-72 years old). All participants were from Kosovo and were recruited through snowball sampling method. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews which lasted around 15- 40 minutes. The data gathered from semi-structured interviews were analyzed through Thematic Analysis. After the data coding, seven themes were generated: Appreciation for being alive, Life and Death Cycle, The meaning of Death, Afterlife, The universal fear of dying, Coping with the process of dying and The idea of being immortal.