UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: The importance of antenatal health care physiotherapy in pregnant women in the maternity of main family medicine center in prishtina

The importance of antenatal health care physiotherapy in pregnant women in the maternity of main family medicine center in prishtina


Medicine and Nursing


The importance of physiotherapy in antenatal health care provides many benefits for pregnant women where the main goals is to remove back pain, increase physical and psychological preparation for childbirth. Physiotherapeutic health care is very important to practice it during pregnancy. The quality of life during pregnancy and the effectiveness of physiotherapeutic interventions have not been previously studied in Pristina. Aim: Was to investigate the level of awareness about the importance of physiotherapy in antenatal health care and how much pregnant women are guided to physiotherapeutic visits during pregnancy.Methods: The importance of physiotherapy was assessed by 55 pregnant women in a period of 4 months between November 2019 - and February 2020 at Family Medicine Center in Prishtina, using self-administered questionnaires.Data were obtained on demographic characteristics, chronic diseases, low back pain, physical activity as well as their knowledge and perception of the importance of physiotherapy in prenatal care. Results: Among 55 women: 33 were housewives, 17 were working women and 5 were students.Knowledge of the importance of physiotherapy in pregnant women was 34% (n = 55) awareness of physiotherapy interventions in antenatal health care was 25% (n = 55), giving instructions for physiotherapeutic visits by other health professionals there is also a very low percentage of 2% (n = 55), only 16% (n = 55) were following the exercise program through various websites.Conclusions: The importance and role of physiotherapy in antenatal health care among pregnant women is unsatisfactory. Measures should be taken to increase their knowledge and improve their awareness of the role of antenatal physiotherapy, to consult and refer for meetings with the physiotherapist health professional to determine moderate physical activity and to be informed through written materials for the importance and effect of physiotherapy during prenatal and postpartum periods.


physiotherapy, antenatal health care, quality of life

Session Chair

Ilir Ahmetgjekaj

Session Co-Chair

Nagib Elshani

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 3:00 PM

End Date

31-10-2020 5:00 PM



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Oct 31st, 3:00 PM Oct 31st, 5:00 PM

The importance of antenatal health care physiotherapy in pregnant women in the maternity of main family medicine center in prishtina

Lipjan, Kosovo

The importance of physiotherapy in antenatal health care provides many benefits for pregnant women where the main goals is to remove back pain, increase physical and psychological preparation for childbirth. Physiotherapeutic health care is very important to practice it during pregnancy. The quality of life during pregnancy and the effectiveness of physiotherapeutic interventions have not been previously studied in Pristina. Aim: Was to investigate the level of awareness about the importance of physiotherapy in antenatal health care and how much pregnant women are guided to physiotherapeutic visits during pregnancy.Methods: The importance of physiotherapy was assessed by 55 pregnant women in a period of 4 months between November 2019 - and February 2020 at Family Medicine Center in Prishtina, using self-administered questionnaires.Data were obtained on demographic characteristics, chronic diseases, low back pain, physical activity as well as their knowledge and perception of the importance of physiotherapy in prenatal care. Results: Among 55 women: 33 were housewives, 17 were working women and 5 were students.Knowledge of the importance of physiotherapy in pregnant women was 34% (n = 55) awareness of physiotherapy interventions in antenatal health care was 25% (n = 55), giving instructions for physiotherapeutic visits by other health professionals there is also a very low percentage of 2% (n = 55), only 16% (n = 55) were following the exercise program through various websites.Conclusions: The importance and role of physiotherapy in antenatal health care among pregnant women is unsatisfactory. Measures should be taken to increase their knowledge and improve their awareness of the role of antenatal physiotherapy, to consult and refer for meetings with the physiotherapist health professional to determine moderate physical activity and to be informed through written materials for the importance and effect of physiotherapy during prenatal and postpartum periods.