UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: The impact of social networks on representation of depression in high school students

The impact of social networks on representation of depression in high school students


Medicine and Nursing


Adolescents experience depression in a very similar way to adults, but they can experience their emotions more intensely and with greater instability. Depression in adolescence comes at a time of great personal change - when boys and girls start forming a distinct identity from their parents, they encounter gender and sexuality issues, and begin to make decisions for the first time in their lives. Research shows that online social networks have recently started to get a greater increase in usage among elementary and high school students. They spend a considerable amount of time on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and so on, turning them into a daily activitiy in their lives and then starting to exhibit classic symptoms of depression. In order to research the level of depression in “Gjon Buzuku”high school studentsin Prizren, we used Beck's for Depression (Beck's Depression Inventory) as well as the self-report form for the use of social networks. Participants in the research were (N = 47, participants, M mean = 16.7, DS = standard deviation DS = 12.07, respondents of both sexes, where female gender dominated with 27 respondents or 57.45%). For participants' depression the overall score was interpreted as follows: 3% of participants resulted in minimal depression, 40% of participants resulted in mild depression, 49% of participants resulted in moderate depression and 8% in severe depression . This research will contribute both theoretically and practically by raising the awareness of educational institutions in the process of their functioning and in preserving the health of students to increase the quality of teaching. The results of this scientific research can be used for analyzing similar situations in other school institutions in both public and private institutions.


School, facebook depression, students

Session Chair

Ilir Ahmetgjekaj

Session Co-Chair

Nagib Elshani

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 3:00 PM

End Date

31-10-2020 5:00 PM



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Oct 31st, 3:00 PM Oct 31st, 5:00 PM

The impact of social networks on representation of depression in high school students

Lipjan, Kosovo

Adolescents experience depression in a very similar way to adults, but they can experience their emotions more intensely and with greater instability. Depression in adolescence comes at a time of great personal change - when boys and girls start forming a distinct identity from their parents, they encounter gender and sexuality issues, and begin to make decisions for the first time in their lives. Research shows that online social networks have recently started to get a greater increase in usage among elementary and high school students. They spend a considerable amount of time on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter and so on, turning them into a daily activitiy in their lives and then starting to exhibit classic symptoms of depression. In order to research the level of depression in “Gjon Buzuku”high school studentsin Prizren, we used Beck's for Depression (Beck's Depression Inventory) as well as the self-report form for the use of social networks. Participants in the research were (N = 47, participants, M mean = 16.7, DS = standard deviation DS = 12.07, respondents of both sexes, where female gender dominated with 27 respondents or 57.45%). For participants' depression the overall score was interpreted as follows: 3% of participants resulted in minimal depression, 40% of participants resulted in mild depression, 49% of participants resulted in moderate depression and 8% in severe depression . This research will contribute both theoretically and practically by raising the awareness of educational institutions in the process of their functioning and in preserving the health of students to increase the quality of teaching. The results of this scientific research can be used for analyzing similar situations in other school institutions in both public and private institutions.