UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Thoracic-lumbar approach with subcostal incision, in large kidney tumors

Thoracic-lumbar approach with subcostal incision, in large kidney tumors


Medicine and Nursing


In this paper we present the way of thoraco-lumbar approach to large kidney tumors, with additional, subcostal incisions, giving a better kidney appearance, ie the tumor and making the intervention easier and with fewer complications, you found operational intervention. Material and methods The material was taken from the protocol of the Clinic and the work reveals the work in our Clinic, in a period of five years. subcostal incision. This approach is commonly used for patients with large kidney tumors, with localization mainly in its upper pole and with infiltration of surrounding organs, such as the suprarenal glands, vena cava, and diaphragm. Results From all the cases worked with this approach, we have managed to access the renal hilus more easily, to progress the kidney from the surrounding tissues and not to have accompanying complications. It should be noted that even in cases where there has been a complication, such as crying of the vena cava or diaphragm, they are easily resolved. Conclusion It can be concluded that the thoracolumbar approach with subcostal incision is a very favorable approach for the surgeon and offers a better display of the renal hilus, but also of the organs close to the upper kidney pole, such as the suprarenal glands, diaphragm and vein. cava, which are not uncommon in collision with the tumor and should be treated with special care.


thoracolumbar approach, subcostal incision, large tumors, better appearance

Session Chair

Ferat Sallahu

Session Co-Chair

Haki Jashari

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 1:30 PM

End Date

31-10-2020 3:00 PM



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Oct 31st, 1:30 PM Oct 31st, 3:00 PM

Thoracic-lumbar approach with subcostal incision, in large kidney tumors

Lipjan, Kosovo

In this paper we present the way of thoraco-lumbar approach to large kidney tumors, with additional, subcostal incisions, giving a better kidney appearance, ie the tumor and making the intervention easier and with fewer complications, you found operational intervention. Material and methods The material was taken from the protocol of the Clinic and the work reveals the work in our Clinic, in a period of five years. subcostal incision. This approach is commonly used for patients with large kidney tumors, with localization mainly in its upper pole and with infiltration of surrounding organs, such as the suprarenal glands, vena cava, and diaphragm. Results From all the cases worked with this approach, we have managed to access the renal hilus more easily, to progress the kidney from the surrounding tissues and not to have accompanying complications. It should be noted that even in cases where there has been a complication, such as crying of the vena cava or diaphragm, they are easily resolved. Conclusion It can be concluded that the thoracolumbar approach with subcostal incision is a very favorable approach for the surgeon and offers a better display of the renal hilus, but also of the organs close to the upper kidney pole, such as the suprarenal glands, diaphragm and vein. cava, which are not uncommon in collision with the tumor and should be treated with special care.