UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: The impact of pregnancy on the couple’s sex life

The impact of pregnancy on the couple’s sex life


Medicine and Nursing


Pregnancy in most cases complicates the couple's sexual life. Given the level of sexual education of the population as well as the approach of health personnel in terms of sexuality it is expected that any change in a woman's life will inevitably have an impact on her sexuality. In the general population of the globe, 40-50% of women may have sexual dysfunction during their lifetime.The purpose of this research was to describe the possible changes in sexual behavior during pregnancy in couples and to give recommendations that will improve their sexual life. Methodology - For data collection we used the PSRI (Pregnancy Sexual Response Inventory) questionnaire, which was distributed via the Internet to pregnant women of different ages of pregnancy. The research was conducted in May-June 2020. The sample included 184 pregnant women. Results- Most pregnant women (55.4%) were 26-35 years old, in the third trimester were 45.7% of surveyed women, with university education were 64.1%, tobacco and alcohol consumers were less than 10% of them and planned pregnancies have stated 82.6%. The frequency of sexual activity decreased to 65.2% of pregnant women, sex life deteriorated to 45.1%, sexual desire decreased to 51.5% while difficulties in achieving orgasm were reported by 35.3% of women interviewed. As for the partner according to the assessment of the pregnant woman, 40.2% think that they do not have any problems in sexual functioning and 38% think that they have complaints. 86.4% of women interviewed think that their partner has no sexual difficulties.Conclusions - Based on our research, it turns out that most pregnant women have changes in their sex life as a result of pregnancy, and according to pregnant women, the impact of pregnancy on their partner is not very expressed.

Session Chair

Ferat Sallahu

Session Co-Chair

Haki Jashari

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 1:30 PM

End Date

31-10-2020 3:00 PM



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Oct 31st, 1:30 PM Oct 31st, 3:00 PM

The impact of pregnancy on the couple’s sex life

Lipjan, Kosovo

Pregnancy in most cases complicates the couple's sexual life. Given the level of sexual education of the population as well as the approach of health personnel in terms of sexuality it is expected that any change in a woman's life will inevitably have an impact on her sexuality. In the general population of the globe, 40-50% of women may have sexual dysfunction during their lifetime.The purpose of this research was to describe the possible changes in sexual behavior during pregnancy in couples and to give recommendations that will improve their sexual life. Methodology - For data collection we used the PSRI (Pregnancy Sexual Response Inventory) questionnaire, which was distributed via the Internet to pregnant women of different ages of pregnancy. The research was conducted in May-June 2020. The sample included 184 pregnant women. Results- Most pregnant women (55.4%) were 26-35 years old, in the third trimester were 45.7% of surveyed women, with university education were 64.1%, tobacco and alcohol consumers were less than 10% of them and planned pregnancies have stated 82.6%. The frequency of sexual activity decreased to 65.2% of pregnant women, sex life deteriorated to 45.1%, sexual desire decreased to 51.5% while difficulties in achieving orgasm were reported by 35.3% of women interviewed. As for the partner according to the assessment of the pregnant woman, 40.2% think that they do not have any problems in sexual functioning and 38% think that they have complaints. 86.4% of women interviewed think that their partner has no sexual difficulties.Conclusions - Based on our research, it turns out that most pregnant women have changes in their sex life as a result of pregnancy, and according to pregnant women, the impact of pregnancy on their partner is not very expressed.