UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: The Impact of Digital Technologies on Business Internationalization Process


Management, Business and Economics


This paper discusses and analyses the impact of digital technology on business internationalization with focus on a case study of a developing country. There is evidence showing digital technology contributed on the development and advancement of the competitive international market. Accordingly, many companies are considering the change adopts the business model. Businesses lean towards believing that the use of digital technology enables them building the better relationship with customers and suppliers, improving their business process, and in some cases even simulating them in restructuring the entire business industry. In well-established businesses, technology has become the basis of every work in the process. Nonetheless, the situation maybe different in an uncertain business’ environment, specifically with businesses in developing countries. Consequently, this research is quantitatively focused in observing and measuring the impact of digital technology on international business within a developing country. The development of digital technology, types of digital technology, application of digital technology, digital transformation of the supply chain are examined through a quantitative research approach. Nonetheless, the globalization of enterprises and their entry into new markets are challenging the businesses as the global scale factors are putting pressure from increasing competition worldwide. This problem maybe more noticeable among the businesses based in the developing countries. In this respect, it may be questioned whether businesses from these countries can keep competing by using the latest technologies and how they succeed to use these technologies in their international operations.


International business, globalization, digital technology, digitalization, transformation.

Session Chair

Arta Mulliqi

Session Co-Chair

Amir Imeri

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi



First Page


Last Page



Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 1:30 PM

End Date

31-10-2020 3:00 PM



Included in

Business Commons


Oct 31st, 1:30 PM Oct 31st, 3:00 PM

The Impact of Digital Technologies on Business Internationalization Process

Lipjan, Kosovo

This paper discusses and analyses the impact of digital technology on business internationalization with focus on a case study of a developing country. There is evidence showing digital technology contributed on the development and advancement of the competitive international market. Accordingly, many companies are considering the change adopts the business model. Businesses lean towards believing that the use of digital technology enables them building the better relationship with customers and suppliers, improving their business process, and in some cases even simulating them in restructuring the entire business industry. In well-established businesses, technology has become the basis of every work in the process. Nonetheless, the situation maybe different in an uncertain business’ environment, specifically with businesses in developing countries. Consequently, this research is quantitatively focused in observing and measuring the impact of digital technology on international business within a developing country. The development of digital technology, types of digital technology, application of digital technology, digital transformation of the supply chain are examined through a quantitative research approach. Nonetheless, the globalization of enterprises and their entry into new markets are challenging the businesses as the global scale factors are putting pressure from increasing competition worldwide. This problem maybe more noticeable among the businesses based in the developing countries. In this respect, it may be questioned whether businesses from these countries can keep competing by using the latest technologies and how they succeed to use these technologies in their international operations.