Management, Business and Economics
This assignment presents and hypothetical case regarding financial and investment decisions of the firm. Based on the critical analyses this paper work will identify the best possible project available for investment. The financial data presented on this assignment are done according to the information/data that has been provided, therefore analysing them in order to arrive to the best possible decision for investment. In order to facilitate managerial decisions there has been presented necessary calculations. However, the evaluation and the importance of risk factors have been taken to concern. Furthermore, in order to accomplish this assignment, where on use various relevant books and journals. Therefore, this assignment will present academic and critical analysis. By the end of this assignment, one can be able to understand financial analysis that company should take to concern, the activities has to follow by creative planning and forecasting the future plans in order to re-enforce the decisions on the investment that is about to be made. Author (2006) states: ‘Investment gives to the investor always the benefits on gaining experience but not necessary gaining money, therefore investing gives the experience, and experience is something that money can’t buy, however the investors are investing in increase its wealth. - therefore, the investment decision analysis is taking a great concern on return that the project it (may) returns, or gives an option to later return so current operation is to achieve the future benefits.’
Investment decisions, financial forecasting and simulation, financial instruments. JEL classification codes: G11, G17, G23
Session Chair
Ylber Limani
Session Co-Chair
Gonxhe Beqiri
Proceedings Editor
Edmond Hajrizi
First Page
Last Page
Lipjan, Kosovo
Start Date
31-10-2020 3:15 PM
End Date
31-10-2020 4:45 PM
Recommended Citation
Uka, Ardian, "INVESTMENT DECISION ANALYSIS Case study: AAA Company" (2020). UBT International Conference. 444.
Lipjan, Kosovo
This assignment presents and hypothetical case regarding financial and investment decisions of the firm. Based on the critical analyses this paper work will identify the best possible project available for investment. The financial data presented on this assignment are done according to the information/data that has been provided, therefore analysing them in order to arrive to the best possible decision for investment. In order to facilitate managerial decisions there has been presented necessary calculations. However, the evaluation and the importance of risk factors have been taken to concern. Furthermore, in order to accomplish this assignment, where on use various relevant books and journals. Therefore, this assignment will present academic and critical analysis. By the end of this assignment, one can be able to understand financial analysis that company should take to concern, the activities has to follow by creative planning and forecasting the future plans in order to re-enforce the decisions on the investment that is about to be made. Author (2006) states: ‘Investment gives to the investor always the benefits on gaining experience but not necessary gaining money, therefore investing gives the experience, and experience is something that money can’t buy, however the investors are investing in increase its wealth. - therefore, the investment decision analysis is taking a great concern on return that the project it (may) returns, or gives an option to later return so current operation is to achieve the future benefits.’