UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: The impact of Education on Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

The impact of Education on Entrepreneurial Ecosystem


Management, Business and Economics


The aim of this paper is to shed more light on the relationship between education and entrpreneurial ecosystem. Innovation and entrepreneurship don’t take place in a vacuum — a whole host of factors determine how easy (or difficult) it is to start up and innovate. Education has been shown to play a significant role on the birth a new startups and innovative entrepreneurial activity. Moreover, it has been argued that there are no innovation and/or entrepreneurial ecosystems at the country level without first class universities, suggesting the crucial role of quality education in creation an entrepreneurship ecosystem that supports startups and the growth of new and innovative businesses. A distinctive feature of this study is the use of multiple estimation techniques aiming to better capture the relationship between education and entrepreneurial ecosystem. Some researchs have argued that education and entrepreneurial ecosystem might not have a uniform relationship, but rather its effect differs with respect to other country specific factors. The results seem to confirm the hypothesis that education and high quality education in particular is positively associated to the creation of a more favourable entrepreneurial ecosystem. The findings contribute to the existing debate on the role of education on entrepreneurship and innovation and can be used to design an informed policy-making agenda.


education, entrepreneurial ecosystem, innovation, estimation technique, policy- making agenda

Session Chair

Hasan Metin

Session Co-Chair

Nehat Dobratiqi

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 10:45 AM

End Date

31-10-2020 12:15 PM



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Oct 31st, 10:45 AM Oct 31st, 12:15 PM

The impact of Education on Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

Lipjan, Kosovo

The aim of this paper is to shed more light on the relationship between education and entrpreneurial ecosystem. Innovation and entrepreneurship don’t take place in a vacuum — a whole host of factors determine how easy (or difficult) it is to start up and innovate. Education has been shown to play a significant role on the birth a new startups and innovative entrepreneurial activity. Moreover, it has been argued that there are no innovation and/or entrepreneurial ecosystems at the country level without first class universities, suggesting the crucial role of quality education in creation an entrepreneurship ecosystem that supports startups and the growth of new and innovative businesses. A distinctive feature of this study is the use of multiple estimation techniques aiming to better capture the relationship between education and entrepreneurial ecosystem. Some researchs have argued that education and entrepreneurial ecosystem might not have a uniform relationship, but rather its effect differs with respect to other country specific factors. The results seem to confirm the hypothesis that education and high quality education in particular is positively associated to the creation of a more favourable entrepreneurial ecosystem. The findings contribute to the existing debate on the role of education on entrepreneurship and innovation and can be used to design an informed policy-making agenda.