UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Portrayal of Current Business Situation in Kosovo

Portrayal of Current Business Situation in Kosovo

Presenter Information

Arta AbdullahuFollow


Management, Business and Economics


The development of new businesses clearly seems to be increasing given that the needs of the market are quite large in addition to what it really is. Businesses, regardless of the type or type to which they belong, are businesses that have their functionality and that they nevertheless have importance in our society. The importance of all this is that the developments the country should appear and be maintained for this Kosovo needs a platform which through a map can display values depending on the filtered attributes. Developing a website using the map of Kosovo and through it can show a lot of results where young people (thus including the gender of business leaders) can have a focus on getting a job or growing a business, including the type of business in the absence of which a city may not possess one. This letter is very useful in conveying many results which can be quite easily read and very interesting data and which a very current topic in our society is. Addressing this letter so that the data generated by the developed system has a direct impact on businesses that are still in the beginning of development or even on those businesses that intend to follow in real time the trends of the most requested type of business.

Session Chair

Arta Mulliqi

Session Co-Chair

Amir Imeri

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 1:30 PM

End Date

31-10-2020 3:00 PM



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Oct 31st, 1:30 PM Oct 31st, 3:00 PM

Portrayal of Current Business Situation in Kosovo

Lipjan, Kosovo

The development of new businesses clearly seems to be increasing given that the needs of the market are quite large in addition to what it really is. Businesses, regardless of the type or type to which they belong, are businesses that have their functionality and that they nevertheless have importance in our society. The importance of all this is that the developments the country should appear and be maintained for this Kosovo needs a platform which through a map can display values depending on the filtered attributes. Developing a website using the map of Kosovo and through it can show a lot of results where young people (thus including the gender of business leaders) can have a focus on getting a job or growing a business, including the type of business in the absence of which a city may not possess one. This letter is very useful in conveying many results which can be quite easily read and very interesting data and which a very current topic in our society is. Addressing this letter so that the data generated by the developed system has a direct impact on businesses that are still in the beginning of development or even on those businesses that intend to follow in real time the trends of the most requested type of business.