UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: A Model For Increasing Quality Of Education By Using A Unified Repository Among EUA Universities

A Model For Increasing Quality Of Education By Using A Unified Repository Among EUA Universities

Presenter Information

Agon Mehmeti, North Macedonia


Information Systems and Security


Anyone who had to create learning materials from scratch knows how intensive and time consuming this process can be. This process can be made easier by reusing existing learning and teaching materials. Creating a unified repository enables time and effort savings, opportunities to transfer technical and technological knowledge among educational staff, exchange of practical applications experience and, most importantly, quality enhancement of educational materials. Unified repository is a web-based database application software that is used for simplifying the tasks of sharing learning contents and resources between different universities through providing a unified solution and access point. This paper proposes a model for building a unified e-learning repository system for European University Association (EUA), to enable academics to store, classify, access and share teaching and learning materials, EUA resources and not only. Integrating different University repositories/applications, is by no doubt a big challenge due to different platforms. The model is based on using RESTful web services, offering full web-scale interoperability and scalability advantages while exchanging information between University repositories/applications, also offering HTTP content negotiation, most importantly discoverability for free and HTTP concurrency control and compression. There will be a centralized repository that will maintain application keys and generate tokens for access as required. The centralized repository will register a list of actions that each service provides. For example, given an endpoint, it provides a list of possible URL, with allowed HTTP verbs for each of them. The combination of the URL (pattern) and the verb may be used as a description of repositories/services and for specifying simple permissions. The proposed unified repository architecture should have the following characteristics: o Open: will create interoperated and connected applications, thus commercial tools from different universities could be assembled into a single system. o Scalable: the architecture must be defined to grow in the future. For example: as the educational repositories number increases, the applications in charge of the management must have enough capacity. o Global: To allow the linguistic and cultural diversity. o Integrated: Not only among the components of the system but among other applications which are not directly related to learning (such as: human resources, knowledge management systems). o Flexible: the ability to implement new solutions without making big changes in the system architecture is very important.

By providing flexible unified repository that can be adjusted to suit the diverse learning styles and necessities of students and staff, the structure proposed here can go a long way in alleviating the burden each university has to bear in terms of effort and finance.


EUA, learning materials, RESTful, repository, scalable.

Session Chair

Agon Mehmeti

Session Co-Chair

Blerton Abazi

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 9:00 AM

End Date

31-10-2020 10:30 AM



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Oct 31st, 9:00 AM Oct 31st, 10:30 AM

A Model For Increasing Quality Of Education By Using A Unified Repository Among EUA Universities

Lipjan, Kosovo

Anyone who had to create learning materials from scratch knows how intensive and time consuming this process can be. This process can be made easier by reusing existing learning and teaching materials. Creating a unified repository enables time and effort savings, opportunities to transfer technical and technological knowledge among educational staff, exchange of practical applications experience and, most importantly, quality enhancement of educational materials. Unified repository is a web-based database application software that is used for simplifying the tasks of sharing learning contents and resources between different universities through providing a unified solution and access point. This paper proposes a model for building a unified e-learning repository system for European University Association (EUA), to enable academics to store, classify, access and share teaching and learning materials, EUA resources and not only. Integrating different University repositories/applications, is by no doubt a big challenge due to different platforms. The model is based on using RESTful web services, offering full web-scale interoperability and scalability advantages while exchanging information between University repositories/applications, also offering HTTP content negotiation, most importantly discoverability for free and HTTP concurrency control and compression. There will be a centralized repository that will maintain application keys and generate tokens for access as required. The centralized repository will register a list of actions that each service provides. For example, given an endpoint, it provides a list of possible URL, with allowed HTTP verbs for each of them. The combination of the URL (pattern) and the verb may be used as a description of repositories/services and for specifying simple permissions. The proposed unified repository architecture should have the following characteristics: o Open: will create interoperated and connected applications, thus commercial tools from different universities could be assembled into a single system. o Scalable: the architecture must be defined to grow in the future. For example: as the educational repositories number increases, the applications in charge of the management must have enough capacity. o Global: To allow the linguistic and cultural diversity. o Integrated: Not only among the components of the system but among other applications which are not directly related to learning (such as: human resources, knowledge management systems). o Flexible: the ability to implement new solutions without making big changes in the system architecture is very important.

By providing flexible unified repository that can be adjusted to suit the diverse learning styles and necessities of students and staff, the structure proposed here can go a long way in alleviating the burden each university has to bear in terms of effort and finance.