UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Kosovar musicology vs. world musicological trends of recent years

Kosovar musicology vs. world musicological trends of recent years


Modern Music, Digital Production and Management


As a prominent science, musicology is a broad discipline concerned in the general historical studies of music, cultural studies, historiography of music, philosophy and aesthetics of music, criticism, analysis and many other areas. Over the last years increasing number of scholars from new musicological backgrounds, have begun to take a greater interest in resent musicological societies in Western Europe and beyond therefore issues of musicology are getting very broad and related with many diverse disciplines like culture, society and politics. In fact, contemporary musicology in America today known as ‘New musicology’ is dealing with different culture, historical, ethnological and sociological issues, instead in Western Europe (mainly in Germany) musicology is getting shaped by different dates that has to do more with politics than with music. On the other side depending on different socio-economic and political circumstances artistic music in Kosovo belongs to one of the cultures of South- Eastern Europe, which began its existence in western sense only after the Second World War hence the first musicological studies date from the second half of the last century. Theme of this research which belongs to comparative studies, is conceived in the sense of comparing musicological developments in Kosovo with the recent trends of musicological developments in the world. Witnessed by history, music seems to be a fundamental component of human culture and behaviour always playing an important role on the culture achievements of any country as well as musicology and all its sub-disciplines are the main promoter for the preservation of the musical heritage, pointing out composer's life and works, compositions, the developments of styles and genres, music performances, analysis, aesthetics, philosophy and criticism of music over the time therefore musicological writings and research papers are the best tools to prove the music history facts.


music, musicology, history, Kosovo, comparison

Session Chair

Liburn Jupolli

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Lipjan, Kosovo

Start Date

31-10-2020 1:30 PM

End Date

31-10-2020 3:00 PM



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Oct 31st, 1:30 PM Oct 31st, 3:00 PM

Kosovar musicology vs. world musicological trends of recent years

Lipjan, Kosovo

As a prominent science, musicology is a broad discipline concerned in the general historical studies of music, cultural studies, historiography of music, philosophy and aesthetics of music, criticism, analysis and many other areas. Over the last years increasing number of scholars from new musicological backgrounds, have begun to take a greater interest in resent musicological societies in Western Europe and beyond therefore issues of musicology are getting very broad and related with many diverse disciplines like culture, society and politics. In fact, contemporary musicology in America today known as ‘New musicology’ is dealing with different culture, historical, ethnological and sociological issues, instead in Western Europe (mainly in Germany) musicology is getting shaped by different dates that has to do more with politics than with music. On the other side depending on different socio-economic and political circumstances artistic music in Kosovo belongs to one of the cultures of South- Eastern Europe, which began its existence in western sense only after the Second World War hence the first musicological studies date from the second half of the last century. Theme of this research which belongs to comparative studies, is conceived in the sense of comparing musicological developments in Kosovo with the recent trends of musicological developments in the world. Witnessed by history, music seems to be a fundamental component of human culture and behaviour always playing an important role on the culture achievements of any country as well as musicology and all its sub-disciplines are the main promoter for the preservation of the musical heritage, pointing out composer's life and works, compositions, the developments of styles and genres, music performances, analysis, aesthetics, philosophy and criticism of music over the time therefore musicological writings and research papers are the best tools to prove the music history facts.