Sport, Health and Society | 2020 UBT International Conference

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Saturday, October 31st
1:30 PM

Assessment of the Participation of Adolescents in Physical Activities

Abedin Bahtiri, University for Business and Technology - UBT
Dardan Osmani, Universi College, Prishtina, Kosova

Lipjan, Kosovo

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

Physical activity is defined as any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscle that results in energy expenditure. The purpose of this research is to assess how active students are in physical activity, and to confirm the possible differences between the two researched samples, adolescents from a Geneva school and their Kosovar peers from the Municipality of Dragash. The entity sample includes 156 students, of which 64 students of the school "ECG HENRY DURANT" from Geneva, Switzerland and 92 students from the Gymnasium "Ruzhdi Berisha" from the Municipality of Dragash. The international standard IPAQ_A questionnaire was used to achieve the goal as a working method (Kowalski et al., 2004). The Mann Whitney test compared the results of adolescents in both schools for participating in physical activity. Differences have been established in most variables related to physical activity over a week. The differences between the two groups of students are in the best interests of adolescents from Geneva, which means that they are more active than their Kosovar peers. Based on the results of this paper, Swiss students are more active in practicing sports activities during their free time, perhaps because Switzerland is a highly developed country and has an excellent sports infrastructure. More pronounced differences have been observed in girls and in favor of the Swiss. Unlike girls, Kosovar boys are more active during long breaks and during a week, while Swiss are more active with sports activities.

Comparison of Body Height and Body Mass Between Footballers, Basketball Players, Volleyball Players and Handball Players

Nagip Lenjani, University for Business and Technology - UBT
Artan R. Kryeziu, College Fama
Besim Ademi, Soccer club “2 Korriku”, Prishtina, Kosovo
Enver Tahiraj, University for Business and Technology - UBT

Lipjan, Kosovo

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

The purpose of this study was to compare body height and body mass in elite footballers, basketball players, volleyball players and handball players. In this paper as a sample we have footballers, basketball players, volleyball players and handball players, in which are included the sample of subjects of these players are 75, of which 27 are footballers, while with 15 players each are included players from basketball, volleyball and handball. The results were as follows: body height of footballers was 180.64 cm, body mass 76.48 kg, basketball players with 194.67 cm and body mass 93.40 kg, volleyball players with l91.33 cm, body mass 85.33 kg and handball players with body height with 187.45 cm and body mass 92 kg. Through univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA), statistically significant differences were presented between the groups (p. <0.005). In conclusion it was that basketball players led with body height and body mass followed by volleyball players, but that body mass was slightly lighter compared to basketball players, while handball players had significantly more body mass than volleyball players, but smaller body height than basketball players and footballers, but by height and body mass were lower compared to the above three sports.

Impact of the COVID-19 Confinement on Physical Activity Levels and Energy Expenditure in Kosovo Population

Masar Gjaka, University for Business and Technology - UBT
Kaltrina Feka, Program in Health Promotion and Cognitive Sciences, Department of Psychology Educational Science and Human Movement, University of Palermo, Italy
Faton Tishukaj, University of Prishtina
Giuseppe Battaglia, Program in Health Promotion and Cognitive Sciences, Department of Psychology, Educational Science and Human Movement, University of Palermo, Italy
Antonino Bianco, University of Pristina, Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Pristina, Kosovo

Lipjan, Kosovo

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

Numerous restriction measures were imposed globally to abate the spreading of COVID-19 virus. The current study aimed to investigate the levels of physical activity, expressed as energy expenditure (MET-min/Week), among Kosovo population pre and during COVID-19 confinement. 1633 (810 males and 823 females) physically active Kosovar participants (mean age: 24.75 ± 9.46 years; body height; 172 ± 10.56 cm; body mass: 69.12 ± 13.80 kg; BMI: 23.09 ± 3.63 kg/m2) were included in the study. An adapted version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire-short form (IPAQ-SF) was translated into Albanian language and was administered to the participants through an online survey. Total weekly physical activity level, expressed as energy expenditure (MET-min/week) was calculated based on the well-known concept of metabolic equivalent (MET). The Man-Whitney U test was used to test the difference between pre and during COVID-19 confinement on PA levels, energy expenditure and between genders. As expected, significant decrease of the total weekly energy expenditure during the COVID-19 confinement (p < 0.001) was observed. A significant difference in the MET–min/week between the pre and during confinement condition (p <0.001) was found for males and females. Based on our results, it can be concluded that the COVID-19 confinement has negatively affected the practice of PA, with both genders expressing lower MET-min/week during the COVID-19 condition.

Recovery and Impact of the Ultramarathon 257 Kilometers in Pristina-Tirana Relation

Enver Tahiraj, University for Business and Technology - UBT

Lipjan, Kosovo

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

For peak results we are dependent on many factors, such as; exercises with specifics, volume, intensity, seconds, minutes, hour, meter, km, heart rate, etc., and the other most important factor is recovery. In this paper we also aimed at the impact of the 257 km ultramaraton on the presentation of differences in body composition in running performance. In this case, as a sample of the subject we had only one athlete, who managed to run in the Prishtina-Tirana relation in a duration of 46 hours. The first measurement was made in the morning of 02.07.2020 and the second measurement on 07.07.2020. Both measurements were performed around 09:00 in the morning. With the body composition measuring instrument of the TANITA brand, we evaluated body mass, body mass index (BMI), body fat percentage and muscle mass of all body parts. The competitor was permanently followed by the expedition staff where during this run 13 stops were made for health-refreshing reasons, one of them 30 minutes at the 115th kilometer and the other at the 209th kilometer for about 4 hours imposed by dizziness. Over 27 bottles of water, 12 bottles of juices, ready-made fruits and vegetables, other supplements such as magnesium, vitamins and minerals, etc. were consumed at this activity. After seven days of activity, the movement was made where within those days ice treatment was done, passive rest and food consumption to meet the needs and then the athlete's friction started. Finally we can say that this run had an impact on the composition of the athlete's body during the running performance.

The Effects of Lumbar Traction in Lumbar Discal Hernia. A Single Case Study


Altin Erindi, University of Tirana
Sead Bushati, University of Tirana
Elton Spahiu, University of Tirana

Lipjan, Kosovo

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

People have always had back pain. Back pain was described in the distant past in old texts from 1500 BC. The word sciatica has been used since Ancient Greek times and Hippocrates (460-370 BC) described “sciatic” pain as mainly affecting men aged 40-60 years (Allan and Waddell, 1989). This is a single case study about whereas the mechanical effects of lumbar traction are well substantiated. We have used the intermittent variable of the traction. We used a Platinum 3D traction table. MRI of the lumbar spine of the patient were recorded before and after. Pain intensity was rated on VAS, TSK questionnaire and SEC. Based on the findings of this single case, further study is needed to determine optimal treatment duration, frequency, and mode of administering lumbar traction. In this case there was a real change in the discs after the treatment with problems that were the fear of movement and of course the patient was experiencing the movement schemes that were connected with the pathology. Exercises are necessary to have a good situation for the everyday life. Horizontal traction was evidently effective in increasing the disc height of lower lumbar levels, particularly in the posterior regions of the discs. The situation of the hernia is really changed in in nearly 12-15 treatment sessions. A rehabilitation program cannot be seen as a stand-alone system, but as a hole and the scope is to have a full rehabilitation of the patient.