Knowing that everyone has the right to an adequate standard of living, which includes proper housing, raises the need and reason for creating and improving housing conditions for people with moderate or low incomes. To address these needs, providing housing opportunities for low-income people is required and thus establish standards for their design. Norms and the standards derived from the inputs of particular collected data are processed further in the form of outputs to design affordable and public housing. These provide information about the rational use of premises to create healthy and sustainable housing for residents. It implies the provision of all optimal settings for facilitating the creation of conditions for human activities within these premises. Therefore, understanding the connection of dwellings with other accompanying facilities is essential when drafting standards in numerical, tabular, and graphic forms.
Public Housing, Norms, Standards, Dwellers
Session Chair
Besa Jagxhiu
Session Co-Chair
Venera Goxha
Proceedings Editor
Edmond Hajrizi
Lipjan, Kosove
Start Date
30-10-2021 3:15 PM
End Date
30-10-2021 4:45 PM
Recommended Citation
Shllaku, Visar, "Overview of norms and guidelines on public housing design" (2021). UBT International Conference. 11.
Overview of norms and guidelines on public housing design
Lipjan, Kosove
Knowing that everyone has the right to an adequate standard of living, which includes proper housing, raises the need and reason for creating and improving housing conditions for people with moderate or low incomes. To address these needs, providing housing opportunities for low-income people is required and thus establish standards for their design. Norms and the standards derived from the inputs of particular collected data are processed further in the form of outputs to design affordable and public housing. These provide information about the rational use of premises to create healthy and sustainable housing for residents. It implies the provision of all optimal settings for facilitating the creation of conditions for human activities within these premises. Therefore, understanding the connection of dwellings with other accompanying facilities is essential when drafting standards in numerical, tabular, and graphic forms.