UBT Knowledge Center - UBT International Conference: Kujtesa kolektive nëpërmjet arkitekturës në qytetin e Prishtinës





This research aims to focus on the topic of “collective memory”, what does collective memory mean and what are the main approaches to its use and preservation? Which is the role of Architecture as a discipline in all this vicious circle of collective memory, considering as a special case study the drastic transformation in the city of Prishtina. On this occasion, the golden periods and the flourishing years of architecture in Prishtina will be presented, in order to a better understanding of the genesis of Modernism in Prishtina and the socio-economic and political factors that influenced the destruction of the cultural and spiritual heritage of the city, years and architecture which represents the most extraordinary connection with the collective memory in the city of Prishtina.


Collective Memory, Modernism, Brutalism, Prishtina

Session Chair

Besa Jagxhiu

Session Co-Chair

Venera Goxha

Proceedings Editor

Edmond Hajrizi




Lipjan, Kosove

Start Date

30-10-2021 3:15 PM

End Date

30-10-2021 4:45 PM



Included in

Architecture Commons


Oct 30th, 3:15 PM Oct 30th, 4:45 PM

Kujtesa kolektive nëpërmjet arkitekturës në qytetin e Prishtinës

Lipjan, Kosove

This research aims to focus on the topic of “collective memory”, what does collective memory mean and what are the main approaches to its use and preservation? Which is the role of Architecture as a discipline in all this vicious circle of collective memory, considering as a special case study the drastic transformation in the city of Prishtina. On this occasion, the golden periods and the flourishing years of architecture in Prishtina will be presented, in order to a better understanding of the genesis of Modernism in Prishtina and the socio-economic and political factors that influenced the destruction of the cultural and spiritual heritage of the city, years and architecture which represents the most extraordinary connection with the collective memory in the city of Prishtina.